Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Jogobox - Race for the Wool - Remastered [1.16.4]

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Level 38 : Artisan Miner
The Jogobox Race for the Wool!

An update to the original Race for the Wool map, many things broke with newer versions of Minecraft so I have gone back and redone a lot of the redstone and command block systems that make the game function, whilst also adding some much needed functionality and balances to the game mode. Including: Custom Advancements, Better Traps, Decorated Environments and much more. Got to enjoy a lot of creators play the map and hope to see more with this updated version!

Race for the Wool is a simple game mode where two teams have individual lanes
separated by void, the aim of the map is to make your way along your lane and
collect 3 wool hidden in separate dungeons and puzzles then place them on
your teams victory monument. PvP is enabled so shooting the other team to slow
them down is always an option.

This map has been designed to work around teams of 4, but can be done with less
or more just know this will make a varying difficulty. Keep Inventory is advised and make 100% sure that command blocks are enabled before you start playing, they are needed.
Progress100% complete

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01/10/2021 3:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sorry, but this map needs a lot of work. I suggest learning from popular CTM maps. Spamming spawners is a really horrible proxy for difficulty. At times we had 100+ blazes in one room with no way of reaching the spawners. Magma cubes alone took each team 30 min to get through. Also the Curse on the wool did not work. I really would suggest testing the map before releases.
01/13/2021 3:19 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
Thanks for playing! If you find the map too difficult, feel free to turn down the in game difficulty! Playing with more people always makes the map more fun and easier so feel free to try that too. Sorry you had a rough time of it, but it was designed to replicate the feel of Vechs old maps in which are designed this way. I have had many others enjoy the map, even play tested it myself which you can find a link to in another comment. The map has been toned down since that play test so its much easier now than it was. There are very easy ways through most dungeons that dont require much fighting at all, just gotta look out for all options. Thanks for the comments and hope you enjoy the next map you play!
11/25/2020 1:33 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
uploaded my first play test of the map, learnt it really should be played 4v4! but fee free to check it out, www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq4Z53V7N_M
11/23/2020 1:22 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
Just updated the map with a few changes, notably wool having the Curse of Vanishing on it now, meaning if you die with wool you lose it. As well as some balance changes on the final wool section, hopefully makes it more fun!
11/19/2020 6:01 pm
Level 1 : New Network
My god, it's amazing.
