Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The Kingdom of Cormyr 1.19

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-Thunderforge's Avatar -Thunderforge
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
The Kingdom of Cormyr 1.12.2 + TP Book - Download

Greetings, I have been working on this project for a while now although not much progress has been made in the last two years. For this reason I have decided to (finally) make it available here. This build represents the FR AD&D Kingdom of Cormyr at a landmass scale of 1:64 with cities at about 1:6. The map base was created in WorldPainter and the majority of the structures (credits given below) were organized into cities via WorldEdit. There are a few pics provided in this post as well as a more detailed document (created when there were plans to form a server) here.

There are at least 49 settlements ranging in size from the Capital of Suzail (100+ buildings) to tiny settlements consisting of a handful of houses gathered around a well. All houses, Inns and most establishments are fully and appropriately furnished. Although cities have been scaled-down to fit within the boundaries of the Kingdom, every listed establishment and business (from as many literary references as I could find)has been represented. I remember deeply resenting Arabel by the time it was finished :) it holds the record of listed businesses and residences at 153. This level of detail was important to me as I wanted adventurers to be able to step into a town they may have used in their FR campaign and be able to find their favorite Inn, Tavern or shop. I know it would have the "simplified" blocky look of Minecraft but at least the buildings would be there. There are even a couple of entrances into the Underdark if you look hard enough ;)

My original plan was to use command blocks to have this play like D&D, and I was able to come up with an XP and money system as well as get a couple of playable character classes. I struggled with command blocks (i'm definitely NOT a programmer) to achieve what I could but when they brought in Functions ( now Datapacks) I gave up entirely on programming, removed all the command blocks (so as not to get in the way of anything you might try and do) and just worked on the build itself.

At any rate I am very happy with what I have accomplished and hope you enjoy it as well. As stated in the title this is in 1.16.2. This map may not be reproduced or sold for profit in any way.

Best of luck all, have fun.
CreditShips by happymimic (?), buildings by matt888, dawiic, wwalter, akatsuki590 and Wooraah, Trees from Lentebriesje's Tree Repository, Ed Greenwood for creating the world that inspired this project.
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by -Thunderforge 11/13/2022 7:12:12 pmNov 13th, 2022


Ok, I wasn't planning to update this again except that I found a way to update the three lakes to 1.19.2 environments.


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11/13/2022 7:31 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
-Thunderforge's Avatar
Looks like we managed to get one more update here, as all three lakes have had their environments upgraded to 1.19.2. Having done that I wanted to try and have the three underwater settlements in the Dragonmere ,represented on the actual map of Cormyr , to at least have some kind of Merfolk dwellings. They are purely decorative right now, have no air sources and don't serve any functional purpose ,i.e. no special treasure or anything unless you would like to put them there yourselves as each house has a furnace and two barrels for storage. Also these were done "quickly" with WE copy/paste functions so each house is the same in each settlement with slight decorative differences between settlements.

As always, Enjoy!
07/03/2022 2:02 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
-Thunderforge's Avatar
Ok, probably the last entry for this as we are now upgraded to 1.19. Things to note-

Some areas have been adjusted to take advantage of the new enhanced world depth, all of Plungepool and Sschindylryn have been lowered an extra 50 blocks to truly move them into the Underdark!

Castle Obarskyr in Suzail has been raised up to a more impressive elevation and a second sub-dungeon was installed, also the land around the castle has been covered in crops. The dock district has also had the elevations adjusted and feels better suited.

The Royal military installation of Highhorn has finally been developed. It does not represent the traditional tower design as portrayed in TSR literature, instead I used existing mountain landscape and made it look like they took over an abandoned Dwarven mining facility, really enjoyed that build.

By using a chunk editing Tool such as Amulet you could completely re-landscape the area south of the great Dragonmere Lake, it is a nice open area perfect for building a new Kingdom or just dropping one in, but it would also be cool to see it covered in fresh 1.19 chunks.

Enjoy, all!
02/24/2022 1:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KururuCZ's Avatar
Hi! I am so love this map it looks sooooo nice.
But where can I find version 1.16.2? For now I can only find 1.12.2.
02/24/2022 8:34 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
-Thunderforge's Avatar
Thanks very much!

Ah, sorry about that, I guess the project title is a bit misleading now.

There! Fixed ; ) 1.16.2 is now the page's main download (as advertised) and 1.12.2 + TP Book can be found at this Download as well as at the top of the page.

02/28/2022 1:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KururuCZ's Avatar
Thank you soooooooooo much!!!!
01/22/2022 4:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
-Thunderforge's Avatar
Also, here is the command for the TP BOOK . This is now in the world's main folder but I only thought of it after there were a couple of downloads so I have put it here as well.

01/22/2022 2:41 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
-Thunderforge's Avatar
Ok, just uploaded the map in version 1.12.2!!

Feels odd promoting a "downgrade" but I do know that 1.12.2 is still a very popular version for the community and I am glad to be able to supply an upgraded map for and older version of the game.

What is different? Mainly that Suzail's castle has had a lot more work done to it, inside and out, to give it a much more complete look. The dock district has also been lowered closer to water level which seems more appropriate.

It is important to note that a backwards conversion like this will probably leave a few "scars" on the world, notably areas with lighting issues, a few native chunks forcing their way into existence here and there, and things like doors and stairs facing the wrong way.

Also, all the maps of the world that were stored in chests (mainly of the cities) seem to have been erased so there is a Painting file in the main game folder that can be substituted into any texture pack. And since all the TP command blocks had to be removed for the conversion there is now a new TP book at the world spawn, which is in the courtyard of Castle Obarskyr in Suzail.

01/15/2022 8:21 pm
Level 28 : Expert Miner
AzureWonder's Avatar
Can you make a 1.12.2 version or will it just work if I use it in 1.12.2?
01/16/2022 9:06 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
-Thunderforge's Avatar
Excellent question! Turns out opening this in 1.12.2 completely replaces the map with new terrain, so that's no good ; ) I will look for an older copy (on an older computer that is still in the basement) and put it up here, hopefully today.
01/19/2022 5:38 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
-Thunderforge's Avatar
Here we go

Wow! What a throwback that was : D I popped into the world to make sure it loaded and all the Scoreboard command block stuff is still running in the BG (three classes, experience and cash system) which I had removed to focus on the actual world build. I believe most of it is under under Castle Obarskyr in Suzail if you wanted to get rid of it, and if anyone wants to try and expand on it I also included all of my original command block files in a folder within the world save.

Unfortunately this is probably a much less complete build as the castle is practically an empty shell, even the dungeon is missing : ( On the plus side I have been working on this quite a bit lately trying to get it polished up for 1.18, and when it is complete hopefully I can get a Suzail construction file to try and import into this 1.12.2 save.

Best of luck with this, let me know if you need anything else.
