This Map is an entry in the completed Underwater Wonderland Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Battle for the Depths || Qubion Build Team

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Qubion's Avatar Qubion
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
teve delves deeper under the water, the light growing dimmer around him. He passes great creatures whose presences he feels more than sees, awed by their immense grace as they cleave the water around them. Squinting, he makes out shimmering, glowing crevices marbling the great rocky spires around him. Curiosity peaked, he swims through the cavern, surrounding by a gentle, pulsing, almost comforting light. As he reaches the end of the tunnel, he feels a vibration shudder through the water, and hears the sound of…metal scraping against metal? In front of him a monstrous metal monster grinds against stone, and approaches an intricate temple, the likes of which Steve has never seen before. Debris is strewn throughout the water, and an incredible ship looms overhead with the largest array of weapons Steve has ever seen. What has he gotten himself into?...

You see, humans are not alone in this world. Evolution is not a straight line; it yields many branches, which adapt to their own environments. As homo sapiens claimed the land for its own, aequor delfines found their home beneath the azure waves of the ocean. The depths of the sea proved an inhospitable race, and for many years their people struggled to survive, hiding amongst coral groves from the terrifying predators of the deep, gathering what little they could that drifted down from the surface to their homes. That is, until a rash young Delfin named Phorcys ventured far from his home, seeking adventure in the dark caves beyond their familiar grottos. Down a dark chasm where no creature had tread before, Phorcys found a small crack in the rock, from which bubbled forth a vivid, pulsing light, so dense it almost seemed liquid. He felt invigorated in its presence, and dubbed the substance cor essentia, the very essence of the planet below.

The Delfines, with Phorcys leading them, harnessed the power of cor essentia, and grew a massive civilisation. They cherished their relationship with the planet below and around them, building huge spires and temples among the coral beds where once they cowered. After Phorcys passed on, they dedicated their greatest temple to him, so that he could watch over and guide his people forward in death as he had in life.

The human race was no stranger to the Delfines - first seen and whispered of as mermaids or great krakens, the humans made first contact with the Delfines. Tentative trade relations sprung up now and then, though the inability of each party to venture far into the other’s domain made stronger bonds difficult. The Delfines watched the humans cautiously, wary of the destruction the humans could cause with a careless oil spill or their ever-increasing pollution.

Their caution would prove to be justified when the human race found itself running low on their resources. Oil reserves were dwindling, and other sources of energy were proving too inefficient to sustain the exponentially expanding population. Their desperate eyes turned under the ocean, where their cousin species lived with a seemingly infinite source of energy, drawn from their mysterious glowing rocks. The Delfines had no desire to relinquish their sacred essentia to the careless humans, and tensions rose to a boiling point. The humans, growing more and more frantic for a new source of power, saw no choice but to take the essentia by force. It is here Steve finds himself, on the precipice of a great struggle that will determine which race survives…

General Information
All screenshots are made using the Sildurs shaders. The Cinematic has also been made using the same Sildurs shaders. None of the screenshots have been altered.

No blocks have been removed of the terrain, as the final build has been pasted over the orginal map to restore blocks that have been removed. Additional terrain is used to build structures or place objects on. Terraforming has been done using an air mask.
This project required a lot of attention by a lot of people from within Qubion as outside of Qubion. We would like to thank all of the following people:

- CallousJack
- McJeffr

- Alice_
- Alpha_
- Arailia
- AxewEmolga
- brow30535
- Beka
- CallousJack
- Game4Aaron
- Gestalt
- HunterV12
- Immortae
- ItsConnorMate
- Jataka
- Jimjabway
- McJeffr
- protalz
- Smexybeest
- TimeII
- Tobytyy

- Alice_
- Freekm1234

- McJeffr
Terms of Use
You are not allowed to:
- Use this build for commercial ends.
- Claim this build as your own.
- Re-upload this build on any website.
- Publish any content of build such as videos or images without the permission of the original owner.

Creative Commons License 
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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Progress100% complete

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08/08/2015 3:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheDanishDreams's Avatar
I rlly like those shells u did o: (-Dandy)
08/04/2015 7:26 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Fox
Artifexs's Avatar
Good job!
X Craft
08/01/2015 3:00 am
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
X Craft's Avatar
Epic creation!
08/01/2015 6:25 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
Qubion's Avatar
07/31/2015 9:27 am
Level 1 : New Network
VyxBit's Avatar
Really love what you've done! Good job guys!
07/31/2015 8:55 am
Level 71 : Legendary Architect
carloooo's Avatar
07/31/2015 9:35 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Unicorn
DD9448's Avatar
I agree!
07/31/2015 8:25 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
Qubion's Avatar
indeed carloooo, indeed
Mine Maus Craft
07/31/2015 2:00 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
Looks great!
07/30/2015 11:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mikehasta's Avatar
Sick build guys favorite build team & favorite entry, gl!
