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Hey everyone, just showcasing something I made a few months ago, a replica of the Louvre museum located in Paris. It's a beautiful place in real life, full of history, masterpieces of art, and simply great looking with its emblematic glass pyramid... And that made me want to build it in minecraft!
I really enjoyed building this project, even if I was alone x)
For a few stats, it took me 4 months to make, there's 2698 total blocks long of façade in this recreation while its size is roughly 475x250 blocks (not huge, compared to what NewHeaven has done, I agree!)
Nevertheless I'm glad that I managed to finish this build, I had so much trouble with it... Like, the glass pyramid and the water around it, I had to redo that four times before getting it right...

Finally, I have to give credit to the server minecraftbuild.com, great build server with a full 512x512 map per person, where you can build with your friends... It has a friendly community with some very skilled builders, and full access to Fast Async WorldEdit. Check it out!
That's it... it was a project I was really motivated to do on the past months, and I hope you like it!
Shoutout to Iskillia for the renders.
Credit | @_iskillia_ |
Progress | 100% complete |
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1 Update Logs
1.1 : by Theo92160_ 03/18/2018 8:49:13 amMar 18th, 2018
18/03/11, added stripes to the grass to make the gardens less boring.
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it's really a super beautifu
building, I'm currently planning to make a city on minecraft and your museum I'm in the process of
fitting it out with custom maps and the Amberstone texture pack, I obviously put panels in the
map saying the exterior was made by you. GOOD JOB! 20/20
I'm building a Paris map and I was wondering if I could use your Museum Model for my map.
I will give you credits, of course !
DM me via discord with my tag : AlbiMousse#0963 if you can give me an answer, or reply this message ! Thanks you
I'm trying to have 100 on this build, if you want to help me ^^ 😅