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So I have started to build epic rome, the great roman empire. I will release world save
when this is finished. I will maybe put my server public too.
Big buildings still to do:
- Pantheon
- Colosseum
- Temples

(I will not make a list of little buildings, because there is so many of them)
--------------------------List Of Players-----------------------------
-----------------------------OTHER PROJECTS----------------------
Click here for the Roman Ship that we have builded (Schematic)
Click here for the Roman Legionnaire Camp that we have builded (World Save)
I think that everyone knows this, but the texture pack used is Romecraft6.2.
Progress | 20% complete |
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4 Update Logs
Update #4 : by Cirquo 09/04/2011 12:54:55 amSep 4th, 2011
added world save
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i have diamond you would you like to diamond me back to on all/some of my topics :D
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building the roman empire. (three empires one warr)
skycraft (the ultimate sky survival)
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