Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The sea island - Minecraft Map [Download]

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Level 80 : Elite Terraformer
Kind time of the day, dear travelers and conquerors of uncharted worlds. I present to you my new map and I want you to appreciate it and play it.

This time I did everything to be interesting on it:

-Size: 1024 x 1024
-Biom: The Jungle
-There are all resources
-There are shelters, caves
-Many food resources

I hope you enjoy this map and write your opinion in the comments!
All successful survival!

Please diamond and subscribe to me and my soc. network <3

If you want this map or any other, we can negotiate with you. Here is my Discord Leonex#3840

Also do not forget to give me diamonds, subscribe to my channel, add a map to favorites, and leave comments, I answer them and I like reading them
Progress100% complete

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10/01/2019 7:38 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
i make journeymap map for this map click here
10/20/2017 7:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
А ты не плох
