Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

The TeckStorm - Steampunk Airship

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Altoids1200's Avatar Altoids1200
Level 35 : Artisan Architect


Here is my new project, this is an airship that will transport people wanting to come Bogwere my city project Steampunk.

I hope you enjoy it



Voici mon nouveau projet, ceci est un dirigeable qui transportera les gens voulant venir à Bogwere, mon projet de ville Steampunk.

J'espère que vous l'apprécierez


The TeckStorm - Steampunk Airship Minecraft Map

Please give a diamond if you like
Progress100% complete

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07/22/2016 3:54 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
HoneyBeast's Avatar
awesome build incredible! :D
07/20/2016 9:57 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
scorpio975's Avatar
wonderful work :) diamond+1
07/20/2016 10:01 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Altoids1200's Avatar
Thank you :)
07/20/2016 7:49 am
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07/20/2016 8:48 am
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07/20/2016 8:53 am
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07/20/2016 9:20 am
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07/20/2016 7:46 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
qq1301692703's Avatar
Hi Altoids1200! I'm an editor of China.
I've found your new project

The TeckStorm - Steampunk Airship

. It's really a nice job.
Therefore I'm here to ask if I could repost your project to our website MCBBS:www.mcbbs.net/forum.php.
However, due to the fact that our country has blocked a lot of foreign websites.
So could you allow us create a new Chinese downlink.
I will list your name and the original website clearly.
07/20/2016 9:00 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Altoids1200's Avatar
For the repost, I'm not against it, however there will is a link to my McPlanet profile and a link to the TeckStorm on your publication,
I will also need the link of your future post on your site

Thank you in advance
