Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The tree of hope (Anne Caudry Evenement)

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Celestials's Avatar Celestials
Level 45 : Master Wolf
The tree of hope (Anne Caudry Evenement) Minecraft Map

EVENEMENT ---------------)@AnneCaudryMC

Version Française :

Anne Caudry est un événement communautaire caritatif destiné à tout
joueur de Minecraft. Durant une semaine entière, de nombreuses créations
d’équipes de construction seront exposées tandis que streamers et
animations assureront votre divertissement.

Par ailleurs, ceux qui parmi vous se sentiront l'âme d'un bâtisseur
auront l’occasion de participer à un concours de construction et de
gagner un ou plusieurs lots ! Nous vous communiquerons les détails

L’intégralité des dons effectués par les spectateurs du Stream de la
chaîne Youtube AznDark et des joueurs sera reversée au Sidaction, c’est
donc une très belle occasion de partager et s’amuser tout en soutenant
une cause toujours aussi importante.

Au programme : les vidéastes Edorock, JodieDream, Xiwix, Roi_Louis, Bill
Silverlight, Heavenfox, AznDark, Unsterbliicher, Fanta et Bob et

Quant au décor, il sera composé des maps des différentes équipes de
constructions que sont : HoneyHive, Shapescape, NewRise, Lordblock,
Rossignol, Celticraft, Octovon, WhiteObelisk, LanguageCraft,
PixelBiester, CubedCommunity, Astrium et NewHeaven.

N’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre afin de participer à cet événement
communautaire qui, nous l’espérons, saura faire débuter de belles
vacances et permettra à chacun de participer à son échelle à la
recherche contre la maladie.

English version :

Anne Caudry is a communal charity event targeted to all Minecraft
players. During an entire week, many creations from build teams will be
showed while streamers and animators will assure your entertainment.
Besides for those of you who are builders will have the occasion to
participate in the build battle and have to win one or multiple prizes!
Details of this build battle will be given to you later.

All of the donations that giving by the spectators from AznDark’s
YouTube channel and the event will be given to Sidaction. It’s a
beautiful occasion to share and enjoying yourself while supporting an
equally important cause.

In the program: the videographers Edorock, JodieDream, Xiwix, Roi_Louis,
Bill Silverlight, Heavenfox, AznDark, Unsterbliicher, Fanta and Bob and

As decorations there will be maps from different teams, specifically
from: HoneyHive, Shapescape, NewRise, Lordblock, Rossignol, Celticraft,
Octovon, WhiteObelisk, LanguageCraft, PixelBiester, CubedCommunity,
Astrium and Aeva.

Don’t hesitate to join us in this communal event that we hope will start
beautiful vacations and will allow everyone to participate to have more
research against the illness, aids!

Build by
@team_celestials and @Mister_Pocket On the Celticraft server :@TeamCeltiCraft

Render by

The tree of hope (Anne Caudry Evenement) Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

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07/06/2017 3:27 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
DerpinQ4's Avatar
Epic :D
07/02/2017 4:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Architect
MuhBuilds's Avatar
I love this build, i'm gonna feature this on my profile, i'm on top of what's hot for 2 days And .. I'm honest, I do not deserve it.
I will try to get you to the first position because you deserve it much more than me.
07/02/2017 6:51 pm
Level 45 : Master Wolf
Celestials's Avatar
Thank you very much for your support :p
06/30/2017 7:49 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
Captn_fr's Avatar
Magnificent!! Very stunning build, and great cause!
06/30/2017 10:58 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragon
Hayden309's Avatar
Magnifique les gars :)
06/30/2017 10:28 am
Level 24 : Expert Architect
ZacuxDMG's Avatar
Hello, I was wondering if its okay if i feature your project in my server. I Have a "PMC Map Of The Month" and i wanted to put yours!
06/30/2017 8:14 am
Level 27 : Expert Lego Builder
TayKroZz's Avatar
Nice job dude :p
06/30/2017 7:40 am
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Artase's Avatar
Awesome projet <3
