Minecraft Maps / Other

TheBridge (by MesterMan03)

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MesterMan03's Avatar MesterMan03
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
The famous minigame in 100% vanilla by MesterMan03.

This map challenged to be make by llamazz(he did the buildings too, <3), now I'm good at 1.13 command I never really worked with 1.12 or older command mechanics, so this map was challenging to make. I could make it better, and less bugy, because I created a 1.8PvPfor1.16 datapack, but llamazz especially asked me to build it in 1.8

Recommended version: Obviously 1.8, 1.9 PvP sucks(1.8.9 for less bugs, the map was made in 1.8.9)


1. There is two teams: red and blue
2. The goal for a team to jump into the enemy team's portal 5 times
3. Your second goal is to defend your portal from the enemy team to jump into it
4. If a team manages to jump to the enemy team's portal, that team will win
5. You will get: 1 iron sword, 1 diamond pickaxe to break blocks, 2*64 blocks with your team's color, a bow, 8 * golden apples, 1 arrow
6. If you eat a golden apple, your health will go back to full!
7. If you shoot with your bow you have to wait 3 seconds until
8. The map is surrounded with barriers so you can't build to far away(or too high)

I hope you will enjoy playing this map with your friends :)

If you have any minigame idea to make, write it down in the comments I will read them all
CreditThanks llamazz for challeging me to make this map and also for building(I could never build like him)
Progress100% complete

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07/15/2021 12:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ServerCreater's Avatar
Whats the cords?
