Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

To The Moon V2 - Only One Command

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Level 71 : Legendary System
Yet again, your desire for adventure has brought you to another mystery. Most days you ponder
your thoughts, searching for the perfect place to go explore. You've seen everywhere, there can't
possibly be another place that awaits you? Or can there?

Click here for the command!

Hello! Today, I've completely remade my old creation, To The Moon! This time, getting there will not be so easy! Now, you will have a much larger challenge surviving there and gathering all the moon's resources, as no human can breath without oxygen!

Thruster - Hopper + Fire Charge
Cockpit - Glass + Iron Block
Engine - Dropper + Nether Star + Fire Charge
Oxygen Mask - Iron Helmet + Glass
Oxygen Tank - Glass + Iron Ingot
Refilled Oxygen Tank - Oxygen Tank [Empty] + Iron Ingot
Filled Engine - Engine + Coal Block
Rocket - Thruster + Cockpit + Engine [Full]
All recipes are floor crafting

So how do you get to the moon? Your going to need to assemble a rocket! But wait, its not that
easy! After making a Thruster and a Cockpit you will need a full Engine. To do this, throw the Engine
you made on the ground with a coal block. This will boost it's fuel up by 25%. You need a full (100%)
Engine to make the Rocket. After placing the Rocket down, if you want to pick it up stand inside it
and look straight down. To make the Rocket take off, stand in it. You will see that text will appear in chat.
Click the text (the text that says [Take Off]) and the Rocket will begin to lift off into the world's atmosphere!
After about thirty seconds of flying (I'm not sure this is accurate) you will land on the moon. Be patient as
it may need some time to generate. And the, you are on the moon! On the moon, gravity is much lower than
usual, so you can jump three blocks high! But, make sure you have both parts of Oxygen Gear as you will
suffocate without them (to equip them, be wearing the Oxygen Mask and have the Oxygen Tank in your
inventory, but make sure it is full otherwise it will not take effect). So what do you do when you get there?
Well, you could view the land below you, or you could collect the iron that is hidden within the moon rock
itself. Mine the moon rock (the end stone) and you will get moon rock. To obtain the iron ore out of moon rock,
throw a moon rock into water and it will transform into iron ore! And one last thing about the moon, all zombies
and skeletons on the moon will spawn wearing Oxygen Masks! To get back to the Earth, to the same as before,
place down the Rocket, hop in and click [Take Off] in chat. There is a high change that from the altitude of the
Rocket when heading to the Earth, that you will crash into the ground, so bring a pickaxe and shovel just
in case you need to save yourself from suffocation!

By Code202

For 1.10
Progress100% complete

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Max Gameplayer
06/13/2016 7:18 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
When I Craft The "Engine" It Only Crafts The Thruster What I Need Do?


Crafting In Floor [YES]
Crafte Total [THRUSTER]
06/14/2016 2:03 am
Level 71 : Legendary System
Not sure what your doing wrong, it does work. I know it all works fine so I can't really help you. So you can't craft the Engine? Please tell me so I can reply!
Max Gameplayer
06/15/2016 5:24 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
I Can't, I Put The "Nether Star, Fire Charge And The Dropper" And Don't Work, It Carfts The "Thruster" And I Tryed 1st The "Nether Star" Then The "Fire Charge" Next Up The "Dropper" And Don't Work.. :(
06/16/2016 4:55 am
Level 71 : Legendary System
Just went and looked through my code, and even reinstalled it. Still don't know what your doing wrong, as it works for me. Just try this one more time:

Throw the dropper on the ground. Then, throw the nether star on the same block. And finally, throw the fire charge on the block the last two items are on. If you do this correctly, it will work!

I'm sorry that you can't get it to work!
Max Gameplayer
06/17/2016 12:53 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
I Can't Get It To Work? IT WORKED!! THANKS!!!!!!
Max Gameplayer
06/12/2016 9:13 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
06/13/2016 2:09 am
Level 71 : Legendary System
Wow, feel like such an idiot that I forgot that :/

Thanks for telling me or I wouldn't have noticed! :)
Max Gameplayer
06/13/2016 6:37 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
