Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Tomorrowland 2017

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michaelwojcik's Avatar michaelwojcik
Level 34 : Artisan Architect

Beautiful People of tomorrow, i have missed you guys! Hey guys! michaelwojcik2 here, back with an AMAZING world to check out! Tomorrowland is a huge project done by ZippyPlaysRPC, myself and a few members of the Avalon team. We worked for months on this project and of course, im going to give you guys a play through of the Mainstage. Of course when you download this map your showing your love for Tomorrowland, it will be updating over time. But its something i wanted to share with you guys. I love it, its a amazing map, we worked hard on it and its yours to enjoy!

Welcome to the most beautiful Amicorium!
People of tomorrow, Children of all ages,
Thank you, for gathering here from all corners of the earth. For uniting more than 200 countries as one. To all artists for their memorable performances. To each and every person involved, for creating a spectacle never seen before. Your presence made it legendary.

Go now and share our message to the world BY DOWNLOADING THIS MAP!!!

Live today!!, Love Tomorrow!!!, Unite Forever!!!!


Special thanks to Mega Projects for the template map of Tomorrowland!
Progress100% complete

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