Minecraft Maps / Underground Structure

Underground Dwarven City

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Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
I figured it was about time I showed some people the underground city (inspired by this thread about living as a dwarf). The city isn't the best laid out as it started out as more of a network of private underground homes but I'll launch straight into some pictures.

The project is on an SMP server that I host but I'm basically the only one on it. Most of it is unfinished because I haven't received much help from other people on the server and I just bounce back and forth between projects (everything is slow when you have to dig out the area).

Fleshing things out and interior decor is definitely my weak point. I have so many castles, floating citadels, cities and hollow mountains that simply don't have the "finished" feel or decor. Take for example the arena shown below, none of the actual rooms for it are fleshed out. Those doors only lead to walls, even though I do have a lot of ideas of what to do with them the execution isn't my strong point.

Areas begun but not picture worthy

Areas planned
-Nether portal room of sorts
-Great Forge
-Farming warrens
-Central train station
-Grand Hall
-brewery (duh!)

Suggestions, comments and critique are appreciated!
Progress60% complete

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01/03/2012 2:29 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Looks like an awesome dwarven city I saw, but only smaller. Ill link it later
01/02/2012 4:46 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
hay can i use this for my show plz
12/25/2011 9:31 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Programmer
Schematic please?
12/23/2011 12:41 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
Oops i apparently had some weird picture as an MC schematic download. Sorry!
12/23/2011 12:38 am
Level 25 : Expert Ninja
Love these things. Keep it updated.
