Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

USS Valiant -Work Closed-

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Minecraft Planitia's Avatar Minecraft Planitia
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Due to the amound of lag we are now experiencing on this map, work on it has stopped. If anyone can find a way to overcome this lag, it would be great! However, even using optifine and turning the settings on low, we still experience the same amount of lag.

USS Valiant

Minecraft Planitia Shipyards

We are proud to present to you the USS Valiant. It is a Defiant type variant to fit a later time period. It currently is unfinished but there is still much that is. It's utilizing several new blocks as well as a new corridor style. We hope you all enjoy, and stick around for the updates.

This ship should reflect several system redesigns that have being introduced after the 1.6 and 1.7 release including stained glass, colored clay, as well as full sized maps. The holodeck has gone through a redesign along with sickbay and the astrometrics lab.

Additional Notes

*Many bugs to work out.-Maps were used for the LCARS images, they may not always be 100% accurate, please inform me of any problems.
-Possible lag due to amount of redstone and amount of maps used.
-Currently a bug in the starboard side docking port with the inside door not opening properly. A fix will be provided in the next update.
Please inform us of any bugs you may find, it will help us to make a better product.
CreditMomentaneously for shell and image idea. Images courtesy of LCARS 47.
Progress70% complete

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07/16/2014 9:44 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Dukonred1's Avatar
haha! this is the name of one of my projects, but without the USS =P good job on it
Minecraft Planitia
07/16/2014 10:02 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Minecraft Planitia's Avatar
It's a cool looking ship, nice work on it!
11/24/2013 3:28 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Geek
Momentaneously's Avatar
I love it! The LCARS maps turned out great; I walked onto the bridge and saw the view screen and all the displays and thought "this is what a Starfleet bridge should look like". I found the impulse engine too :)

Mind if I ask where you got all the images for the maps?
Minecraft Planitia
11/24/2013 10:58 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Minecraft Planitia's Avatar
Thanks! There's a program out there called LCARS 47, it's an LCARS simulator of sorts. I just took some screenshots of that.
11/09/2013 5:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_AyK_'s Avatar
It is awesome! You have one diamond from me!

One thing though is that you start on creative mode with building materials.
Minecraft Planitia
11/09/2013 6:51 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Minecraft Planitia's Avatar
Thanks! and you don't expect us to do this in survival do you? lol
11/09/2013 12:48 am
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
SolitaryPoet's Avatar
You've done it again sir! Good work guys.
Minecraft Planitia
11/09/2013 10:23 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Minecraft Planitia's Avatar
11/08/2013 11:31 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
Enderborn50's Avatar
I like the fact that its made by maps and not resource packs
11/08/2013 9:50 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
jappar148's Avatar
dude i try to open this map and all i get is ultimate lag like 3 million years to face from north to south its only on this map no other map i have does this help
