Minecraft Maps / Minecart


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Antichrist_Superstar's Avatar Antichrist_Superstar
Level 29 : Expert Artist


This park has been a long time in the making, and is still incomplete.
The map will move beyond the park into an entire city, and more.

Park Sections and Rides

Adventure Land
Avalanche Alley
Drop Tower
The Nautilus Aquarium
Jungle Japes
Pirate's Beach
Hard Wood
Red Carpet Roller Coaster

Horror Quarter
Cursed Dreams
The Dark Side of Mars
Forest Pages
Miner's Demise
Aokigahara Escape
Haunted Hospital

The Time Machine
Starship Coaster
Interplanetary Defense Squad

I Want to Believe

Mini Golf (Idea by _Missing_No_)
Observation Tower
Unforeseen Worm Hole (Idea by Parshu)
Through the Rabbit Hole
Caverness Expedition

A Pirate's Life
The Fall of Pirates
Crusading the Tropics
Lost Lagoon
Earth: A Fireworks Show

Medieval Monument
The Last Crusader
Castle Quickie
Unholy Bounties

The Wild Wild West
Gold Rush Railroad

Age of the Arts
Hollywood in it's Prime
Vesuvius Records

Behind the Scenes
History of Film Making

Pompeii's Vesuvius (Idea by Todle)
Mount Vesuvius
Aqueduct Runner

Axis Powers *
The Election
Meeting of Powers

Drug Fueling Floor *

Ayo for Yayo
Speed Syringe
Take a Tab
Break the Bad

Parshu x2

Want to make a Video?

All I ask is that you give a link to my PMC profile or this page. Also, please give me a link to your video, through a pm preferably, so I can properly credit you. Thank you.

Have an Idea for the Map?

If you have an idea for a ride, themed area, restaurant, etcetera, leave a detailed comment or private message. If I like the idea and build it, I will give you credit and put your player head within the ride as well as in the contributors museum. You can also send me a screenshot of you in a minecart in a black room and I will add it into the ride's on board photos section as a map if applicable.

Please direct any other questions to me in a private message


* Could be considered controversial

I do not condone nor permit the uploading of this map or it's intellectual properties anywhere. I do not condone nor permit stealing of this map or it's intellectual properties for use in other projects.
Progress10% complete

30 Update Logs

Update #30 : by Antichrist_Superstar 08/25/2017 5:42:23 pmAug 25th, 2017

Continued creation of economic system. Added owner mansion and area for developers. Added park tickets.

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08/04/2017 12:15 am
Level 46 : Master Musician
CVerse's Avatar
I love your park! Coincidently, I also have a theme park that I update the more I add to it just like yours. But by the looks of it, I'd say your park is better than mine!
08/12/2017 3:59 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Antichrist_Superstar's Avatar
Thanks man. I'll have to take a look at yours. I haven't worked on the project in about 4 months or so because of life issues. But you might have made me want to work on it again.
08/13/2017 12:11 am
Level 46 : Master Musician
CVerse's Avatar
Aww shucks. That's nice of you to say. Hope everything goes well soon for ya
05/20/2017 10:11 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
sirBlake_'s Avatar
I've never seen a post with so many updates.
I'd almost call it spam
06/09/2017 6:45 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Antichrist_Superstar's Avatar
I update when I add more to it. Simple as that. Don't like it? Don't look at it.
03/23/2017 11:29 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
CharlieGames's Avatar
I am REALLY loving this map. Keep up the great work and i hope to see many more rides soon :) An idea for a ride is movie themed ride like harry potter or lord of the rings
03/23/2017 12:59 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Antichrist_Superstar's Avatar
I do have a ride that takes inspiration from "The Great Movie Rids" in disney, but I may add more to the hollywood section. I'm currently working on 2 new areas. On is for the axis powers in WW2 and the other is for the allies.

I'm glad you enjoy it. Hopefully one day I'll put it into a server, but that time will come later.
02/21/2017 5:45 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Todle's Avatar
Since it's called Vesuvius Park, you could make a small section of area with like Roman buildings and armor stands edited to make it look like people covered in ash

Or a petting zoo
02/21/2017 8:07 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Antichrist_Superstar's Avatar
Why on earth didn't I think of that. Great idea, seriously.
01/30/2017 4:42 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
GameCompleters's Avatar
Mini Golf?
