Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Vifegarde [WIP]- 1.7.10 Custom NPC's Adventure Map [DOWNLOAD NOW]

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SpitSpoxy's Avatar SpitSpoxy
Level 16 : Journeyman Modder
Welcome to Vifeguarde, a Minecraft 1.7.10 Custom NPC's Adventure Map that capitalizes on the choices you make and no play-through should be the same. This has been a project forever and I'm happy to announce that it is now in closed testing.

You might be wondering how might a map creator that has never created a map before this create something so advanced... Well I did something so unadvance to create a level of free roam, I don't give you any direction, I don't give you a backstory, I don't give you a storyline... Nope, I throw you straight into the world for you to discover, advance or destroy.

Right now I am pretty close to finishing 1.1.0 a.k.a The World Update. After I am completed, I will give it to a group of people for any areas I need to fix. Like spelling, wrong use of term, unrealistic stats, and suggestions. When 1.1.1 comes to the public, I will have a google form for fixes, suggestions, and hopefully feedback.

Since I am taking suggestion as soon as 1.1.1 is out I will be adding more. When I add more, more is being lost... Sadly every time I update the map and you decide that you want to convert, you will lose everything... You have been warned. Absolutely nothing I can do.

So far 1.1.0 features:
11 Quests
6 Factions
2 Towns
1 Camp
10 Misc Structures <- Chance for Easter Eggs

-My prediction for this being done are in Early-Mid April. Well hey, I got done w/ the tester's version here.
-My release to the public will take time... My estimate is: May 1, 2016

The landscape of this adventure map is not mine, check it out on Darkheart's post:
Click Here

CreditDarkheart, SpitSpoxy_
Progress10% complete

1 Update Logs

Release to Public! : by SpitSpoxy 05/15/2016 7:42:57 pmMay 15th, 2016

Ehh... Testers didn't really test the thing so beware there will be bugs, like spawn for example. I've been trying to figure that out, but it's not going my way. This is a link to a Bug Report Google Form, please use this to report other bugs and such.


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01/18/2016 5:21 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
jappar148's Avatar
looks impressive i was going to do something simmilar with star trek diamonds all round
01/18/2016 5:38 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Modder
SpitSpoxy's Avatar
Sounds exciting.
