Minecraft Maps / Other

Vinhall Castle and Village

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
The castle and village of Vinhall lie on the Eastern Aurin Coast. It's liege lord is House Draken of Drakeholdholm. Vinhall is the house seat of the Lord Elgr of the ancient and noble clan of Elgr. The first Lord Elgr gave one of the first Drakewardens a massive elk as a gift, from this flourished the relationship between the houses of Elgr and Draken. Torrick 'The Bull' Elgr won a mud wrestling match against Hran Draken. From this victory Clan Elgr was granted the lands around a fjord due south of Drakeholdholm. Over the next centuries the Elgrs became known across the realm for their excellent wine, feasts, hunting, and boastful nature. On their land they constructed a large castle and at the base of it a village sprung. The Elgrs support the Drakens proudly.

This Castle can be found on my map The World of Aurin
The location:
Vinhall /tp @a 2059 71 240

The Map can be purchased for 19.99 USD from my website

I do commission work! Message me if you want a castle built for you!
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