Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Wall clutch parkour test map

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OfficialKikiki's Avatar OfficialKikiki
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
Its a map where there are some commands that help you perfection and score your wall clutching skills, see images for examples of this thing i could decide a name but "wall clutch" or "wall climbing" parkour

This is heavily inspired by Hypixel CTW (capture the wool) since I wanted to be able to do this

You can either play it in survival or creative mode, they both work, i prefer to play it in creative but for more realistic sensation and damage (which slows you) you can play in survival
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08/31/2020 9:16 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
OfficialKikiki's Avatar
This was just made for me and then just added a lectern and an armor stand so it might be crappy, i know, but it works
