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Level 58 : Grandmaster Cake
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Play WATER PARK HUNT on a free Minecraft Server
Water Park Hunt Minecraft Map

It's slip n slide summer fun time!
Compete with friends or play by yourself and see how many items you can find.
Your goals is to grab as many of the 54 items as you can.
Everything will be hidden in barrels around the map.
First person to the barrel gets the enchanted item in the middle which is worth double.
keep inventory is on

There are 3 points you can get

  1. Find all items first (or the most items by the end)
  2. Find the most enchanted items
  3. Be the first to get the Lily of the Valley
The one with the most points wins, in the result of a tie, whoever found all items first wins!

  1. You are only allowed to take 1 of every item on the list.
  2. Don’t take any items from item frames, books from lecterns, flowers from flower pots or mess with entities.
  3. Do not consume item’s you find from the list.
Answers will be posted on the discord if you’re having trouble finding anything: https://discord.gg/QSGTd7qGvk

Item list:

1. Brown Dye
2. Red Dye
3. Orange Dye
4. Yellow Dye
5. Lime Dye
6. Green Dye
7. Cyan Dye
8. Light Blue Dye
9. Blue Dye
10. Purple Dye
11. Magenta Dye
12. Pink Dye
13. White Dye
14. Gray Dye
15. Light Gray Dye
16. Black Dye
17. Nether Quartz
18. Oak Log
19. Lily of the Valley
20. Emerald
21. Diamond
22. Gold Ingot
23. Trident
24. Amethyst Shard
25. Smooth Sandstone
26. Light Gray Terracotta
27. Light Blue Stained Glass
28. Light Gray Carpet
29. Lilypad
30. Soul Sand
31. Ice
32. Campfire
33. Bamboo
34. Sticky Piston
35. Magenta Carpet
36. Snowball
37. Minecart
38. Furnace
39. Smooth Red Sandstone
40. Heart of the Sea
41. Sculk
42. Book
43. Pointed Dripstone
44. Prismarine Shard
45. Blue Concrete
46. Crimson Pressure Plate
47. Flowering Azalea Leaved
48. Stone Brick Wall
49. Rose Bush
50. Deepslate Tile
51. Blue Terracotta
52. Magma Block
53. Sandstone Wall
54. Player Head

Version 1.20.6
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

1.20.6 update! : by Potassiumola 06/01/2024 9:03:01 amJun 1st, 2024

both java and bedrock now have links and a countdown to start

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09/08/2024 10:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nice map! Is there a way to actually ride the slides? Like a mod you can inject?
09/12/2024 12:21 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cake
Thank you! Unfortunately I'm not aware of any mods for this but there might be 😅
03/28/2024 8:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
What coordinates is the map located on?
03/28/2024 6:04 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cake
You should automatically spawn in the map, if not, the spawnpoint coordinates are about X:49, Y:-60, Z:-158
I hope that helps!
01/24/2024 8:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
я хочу с сестрой поиграть а там снова надо zip качать есть просто папка с картой?
01/24/2024 11:06 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cake
Using Google translate so some things might be lost in translation: Я не уверен, правильно ли я понимаю, но да, вам придется скачать zip-файл. Если у вас возникнут проблемы, вверху страницы есть ссылка «Как установить карты Minecraft на Java». надеюсь, это поможет
12/06/2023 1:45 am
He/Him • Level 20 : Expert Miner
I like this waterpark. Thank you for doing this map!
12/06/2023 8:57 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cake
Thank you! :D
