Minecraft Maps / Minecart

WaterBlock 5

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lore44's Avatar lore44
Level 27 : Expert Dragon
CTM for 1.16.3 inspired by the SkyBlock but with substantial differences
1- in place of the void we have a boundless ocean in which the various islands of the small archipelago float, with hidden baskets and many original resources.
2- there is no scarcity of resources and there are no things that cannot be obtained in quantity through farming or trade.
3- Hub to access in adventure mode, where to explore and carry out many exchanges (several hundred) of useful, rare or special objects (updated to 1.16.3)
4- 10 bos a difficulty grow with custom drop and custom exchanges dedicated to them (plus some more new bos themes 1.14, 1.15 & 1.16).
5- each bos can be tackled several times, it is enough to evoke it by offering the right tribute in the basket.
6- missions also through repeatable exchanges and also with custom rewards.
7-mob griefing and fire griefing OFF.
8- usable also for servers.

Purpose of the map:
1-complete each mission (those of nature, mobs and animals, with which you can buy decorations and useful objects in the mission hub), defeat all boss (there are 10 of them, find books with advice and shops for bos in the hub bos). and then complete the monument
3- (optional) obtain all mission shop reviews.
4- (optional) obtain all the bos shop recalls.
5- (optional and very difficult) to get all the objects and wells of the mage of item and the mage of potion.

How to play the map:
I have tried to leave as much freedom as possible here because resources can be obtained from the hub's shops, from missions and even from the bos.
If you are a grinding fan you can create as many farms as in a vanilla world (and many that would not be possible or useful in vanilla) and use resources to complete missions and sell them to buy useful items and use them to defeat the bos, this is because there is a real economy inside the game thanks to the various villagers.
Or, on the contrary, concentrate on the bos and farm only for missions or to buy something useful from time to time.
The boss are all feasible, I advise you to prepare yourself with stronger and stronger objects as you go up in difficulty, both using the hub shops, the objects of the mission shop and the various bos shops. (the difficulty of a bos is indicated in a sign near the transporter button)
I also recommend reading the Bos books (they are in a lectern near the transporter for the corresponding bos, in case they are lost they can be bought back) because they give you suggestions on what you will find and how to overcome some obstacles.
The hub shop also contains the coordinates of the overword, the fortresses of the nether and the cities of the end. It is not necessary to find these buildings because in the bos battles (9th and 10th) it is possible to find blaze, gast, magma cube, enderman and shulker from which to obtain the various drops.

Avoid using bugs or using the creative if possible.
Forbidden to use enderpearl, chorus fruit, commands or bugs to go where not allowed or in a different mode from the adventure (for the various hubs and for the figth bosses) and to the survival for the islands of departure.
Since teleporters work for all online players, avoid being in any size other than the overword when they are activated as we do not know where the end or nether could end up.
Beware of activating with arrows, tridents, snowballs ... the buttons of the teleporters will otherwise be activated (in reality if you wish it could also be a method to escape from difficult situations, skip pieces of parkour etc ..., see if you use this '' trick '' or not)
If you intend to avoid the (little) parkour present in the map with enderpearl or with the elytra, pay attention to the invisible barriers that could ruin your plans (the little parkour present is very easy, but if you really can't and want it avoid it with enderpearl tested first the trajectory with an arrow, a trident etc ...).
In 1.14 a bug was introduced with teleporters that I can't completely solve, in case you find yourself stuck somewhere because of it I suggest you use the spectator mode to get back to the point where you wanted to teleport and then return to mode adventure.

Frequent questions

-How do I get the coal?
-From wither skeleton, digging, trading (as a fuel I still recommend charcoal, kelp block, blaze road, buckets of lava, bamboo, etc. ...).

-How do I unlock the door to access a new bos in the bos hub?
- putting in the barrel (which is under a stone pressure plate) under the sign of the bos the necessary to open the door (indicated in a sign) and wait for the mechanism to activate (a few seconds), if something goes wrong we will not will take it and recover it there.

-How do I get the equipment to defeat the boss?
-How would you do in vanilla (crafting and enchanting weapons and armor, through experience farms and enchanted books, creating potions etc ...),
or through the exchanges of the villager of the hub (buying the necessary with the sodas that I obtained first by farming and then reselling something else), by the villager of the missions (I carry out missions several times in order to buy useful objects from the mission shop), from the bos shop themselves (killing boss several times to use their heads to buy useful items).

-Where do I find phantoms?
- They appear as in a normal world if you don't sleep for days, but there are also spawners from the final bos.

-How do I get the buckets with tropical fish, pufferfish & salmon?
-in the coordinate book of treasures in the overword you find the coordinates of a ref with spawner of hot water fish and cold water for the salmon, from the bos Nettuno the same, you can fish them with the fishing rod to get them in drop version and then buy us the egg of spawner or buy the fish directly in the bucket from the bos shop del bos added for 1.14, you can buy them from the errant traders who randomly spill.

-How do I make gold at the beginning?
- I advise you to start with simple types of pumpkins, watermelons and cocoa, then do some automatic farms, then the mob grinders, then maybe buy spawners (which comply with the laws of vanilla minecraft then tested first if they work creatively on another world) finally the bos represent an excellent source of gold and other precious objects.

-I entered a bos room but I don't understand how to deal with it, how do I do it?
-For every bos there is a book with more than enough clues to face it better, the books are in the lectern near the door and it's sold by the bos book seller for the first 6, for the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and the some added for the minecraft update you find them from the bos seller related to the bos itself.

-If I finish the animals how do I do it?
-You can buy the egg from the elite shop, at the main hub, if you have finished an animal with a single drop (cow, pig, sheep, rabbit, chicken and turtle) and you can't buy another one, you can always exchange the head of "Jeck the rabbit" for an egg from the dark shop, if you think it is too difficult to wait until that point in the game to get an animal back I remind you that in a normal SKYBOLCK if you are not careful what you do and finish the last of something you have to start the map again.

-Can I use keepinventory?
- Yes, if you prefer, but the map will be easier.

-I'm lost in the sea, how do I do it?
- The main island is towards the coordinates x0, y0.

- I don't understand how the monument works
- Very easy, insert the object indicated in the sign into the appropriate box, pull the lever to illuminate the lamp and see immediately what you have already done and what is not, there is no mechanism for controlling or rewards.

-Do the villagers make a lot of exchanges, do they all need anything in particular?
- Many exchanges are not indispensable, in addition to useful objects it is also possible to buy many decorative or funny objects.

-Where do I find the obsidian to make the portal?
- in the baskets scattered around the islands you will find enough, in case you need the blacksmith sells buckets of lava and find a little under the portal of the end.

-How do I find the nether and end fortresses?
-The book seller sells the coordinates of the spawners of blaze in the fortresses of the nether and of the structures in the end (divided into fortresses, fortresses with boats and portals of return).

-How does the spawner I can buy at the "Shop Elite" work?
-Just place it (it will become a spawner of pigs) you can use an egg to convert it into the desired spawner (which you always find at the Shop Elite), be careful because the spawners on the map respect the rules of minecraft, I recommend trying it first in a creative world to see if it works well in the same circumstances (eg the squids appear only at a fixed height, other mobs want a specific biome, others the right level of light etc ...)

-How do I best deal with the map?
- I recommend to check the exchanges of the villagers well to find the most advantageous ones, to use the bos seller and the mission seller for the most useful rewards and to use the Bos books to face them better, it is very important that the mobgriefing and firegriefing remain OFF .

- I found some things in the ender chest when I started the map, they are very powerful and I don't think they were put there on purpose, what should I do?
-if you find such objects around, know that these are things that I might have forgotten when creating or testing the map, please throw away those objects and proceed with the normal graduality of the map, using them could make the map less fun.
In addition, please report these objects as any other bug to allow us to improve the map in future versions.

- How will we make honey if I accidentally kill all the bees in the main archipelago?
- In coordinated treasure you will find another island with bees and beehives, try not to exterminate those as well. in desperate cases you can buy bee eggs at the elite shop or at the 7th bos shop (in exchange for Jack the Rabbit's heads) as for all other animals, in special boss battles for 1.15 there are custom bees and hives, you can collect or honey, or you can use the heads of these custom bees to buy honey or bee eggs in the special bos shop.

My youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCxK4lnHFIXhZMM1WD1EUSw?view_as=subscriber
This is the youtube link of all the playlists on this map www.youtube.com/channel/UCCxK4lnHFIXhZMM1WD1EUSw/playlists
official trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12HNorcR0ck
Progress100% complete

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05/16/2021 5:59 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
TBlazeWarriorT's Avatar
I've already commented on curseforge, but I want to say on PMC too that this map is amazing, I'd recommend it to everyone
10/23/2020 5:36 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragon
lore44's Avatar
For those of you who have had trouble teleporting to the monument:

I checked again and the teleport for the monument works correctly, the reasons why it does not work for you can be various, the command block leading to the monument from the hub should contain this command: (teleport @p 1500003.00 74.30 1000005.01), you can try to re-enter it if you changed it by mistake or something like that but my advice is always to reinstall the map, if it doesn't work maybe it's because you accidentally deleted the regions where the monument is located, this would explain why it sends you to an area empty sea, in that case reinstall the map and make sure the server has no problems, let me know if you can fix the bug anyway know that unfortunately it is common for minecraft servers to create problems, it is not anyone's fault, sometimes enough do the procedure again, good luck and have fun 😁
