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Level 46 : Master Miner
Based on the Nintendo Wii game, Wii Party+ is a 2-4 player board game in the style of Mario Party where players move from start to finish on a board with 80 spaces, and win minigames in between rounds to get better dice rolls. The first player to the end wins.

Along the way are challenges that players must get past, such as a wall requiring a certain minimum dice roll, a spike that could blast you backwards, or multiple different ways to fall into the Volcano. If you fall into the Volcano, you are redirected off the main path to complete this 10-spaces long side path, which you will be placed back to where you were on the main board once out of the Volcano.

There are different types of spaces: blank spaces are the most common, but blue spaces send you forwards, and red spaces send you backwards. Yellow spaces are tornadoes which allow you to knock a player of your choice 5 spaces backwards. Green spaces are 1vAll minigames, where the player who landed on it goes up against the other players and tries to win a minigame against them. If they win, they go up 9 spaces; if they lose, they go back 6 spaces.

There are 33 regular minigames and four 1vAll minigames.

This map is for Minecraft version 1.21.3

If you spot any bugs, please report them here. Thank you for playing and have fun!
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

v2.0.2 : by Chhistenn 11/12/2024 7:14:52 pmNov 12th

  • HOTFIX! Accidentally broke a block in previous update that breaks the whole game - fixed

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11/02/2024 4:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Blueberry Scribe
"He's back...

