Minecraft Maps / Other

LOST - WIP: Phoenix Drop High!

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Level 33 : Artisan Cake



This is NOWHERE NEAR done!

This is seriously a work in progress.

Regarding the final result, I only expect the front of it to look like the actual Phoenix Drop High. The sides, back and interior will totally just be up to me because I cannot find enough reference images to create the full build like it is in Aphmau's series.

For those of you who do not know (and just so it doesn't seem like I'm taking any rights as the original creator of this build), the original build of this belongs to a Youtuber named Aphmau and her build team (do not know their names, sorry). I am just trying to recreate what I can of the original build. I do not at all own any rights or creation of the original build, just this WIP recreation of it (because I'm the one building it).

Once again, sorry if it's not an EXACT replica of Aphmau's build. I am going on very little reference seeing as the exterior doesn't show up much in the videos (like the sides and back don't show up all that much).

A download link of this map will not be given once the build is done. It would be unfair and if this were to be given out, then anyone could use it for anything, which is unfair to Aphmau.
Progress15% complete

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07/05/2019 8:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
So then what's the point in uploading it here. For view and for people to cry about not having it?
07/08/2019 10:32 am
Level 33 : Artisan Cake
Well, people shouldn't cry about not having it... that's a tad excessive. Also, there are many people who post their creations online and they can't be used, creations including those not minecraft-based. I've posted it here just to show it. There's not necessarily a reason. Although, having these specific photos may help others build it, as PDH doesn't have many clear shots in the actual videos. But yeah, I'm just putting it up to have it up :)
08/11/2018 2:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
what does the back look like on phoenix drop high school as I am building the school myself

Anime Lover Ava
07/10/2018 6:54 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Hello~! I just want to let you know if you want any help on this build I'm up for the task, so yeah~ if you do need any help, you can find me on IG, and DM me about it!
01/03/2018 9:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I think the school looks amazing so far, so well done. If you need help with the sides and back of the school, Aphmau and her team used reference images of a real school to build PDH so perhaps you could use the same images? The school is called Little Rock Central High School and its in Arkansas. I hope this helps and good luck!
01/06/2018 7:04 am
Level 33 : Artisan Cake
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! :)
