Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

World of Naught - Beta Server World

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Level 41 : Master Dragon
This is a very old world that was hosted on a server which presumably began in the earliest days of beta! The version I have here is a backup from around beta 1.7.3, or 1.8.1.

Unfortunately, this means that if you attempt to convert the world in modern-day Minecraft, you could find that everything appears corrupted.

Your best bet is to play this map on beta 1.7.3, or 1.8.1. You may also try to convert it through a few major version updates as I did to make the transition as smooth as possible and retain things like chest contents.

I found this video by AntVenom to be very useful in figuring out how to convert this old world to modern versions without losing any chunks or chest contents. When converting, keep in mind this world was likely generated around the earlier beta phase.

There are loads of bases and undiscovered things to find.

Happy Exploring!
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Izenthyr 07/03/2019 10:11:44 amJul 3rd, 2019

Attempting to enter the nether in 1.7.3 made my game crash. Just a warning until I can fix it.

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01/31/2020 2:28 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
Going to give this a look, this really is something you don't see often; thanks for uploading! :)
10/04/2019 4:06 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Archer
Love it!!!
