Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

World of Warcraft Naxxramas

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Vinditicus's Avatar Vinditicus
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Once an ancient Nerubian Necropolis, now, a dark, demented, chamber of terror oversaw by the necromancer turned lich, Kel"Thuzad. Enter the citadel of horror and breathe in the evil and pain that the Lich King has planned for the undaunted world.

Second creation. Im still getting used to minecraft after 3 years of Garrys Mod. I think this one went much better than the Egyptian Town i made.

The interior is bare right now as I'm having problems with creating the portals to the Nether acting at the portals into the Raid in WoW. Luckily this is an air structure but is pretty low to the ground initially.

I guess enjoy it, most likely as scenery in your world's background or perhaps go on ahead and make it functional to your whim.

Progress100% complete

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Discord 96
04/02/2017 11:55 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Discord 96's Avatar
This is bad... It looks like it has been sat on
04/28/2014 9:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Oniaxis's Avatar
You shold work more on the inside. Make the outside a bit bigger while you are at it.
09/20/2011 10:24 pm
Level 40 : Master Herobrine
Z4Minecraft's Avatar
09/20/2011 10:27 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Vinditicus's Avatar
I'll get the hang of MC. It'll just take some time to implement more than just blocks.
