Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Yosemiti Stranded Island - Custom Survival Map

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qouilian's Avatar qouilian
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Strawberry
Yosemiti Stranded Island - Custom Survival Map Minecraft Map

Your're boat was atacked by dasterly pirates. You take your small vessle and escape seemingly unharmed. You wash ashore the island of Yosemiti, Named by the Bill Yosemiti himself. The original castaway. Bill was an average english man. Hoping to strike it big in sea sailing and ocean exploration. That did not fill out nicely for him. He washed up to shore years beore you, and his Log, and his body can be found. Find the secrets, and survive as well.

The map will get frequent updates and bug fixes. The updates will be specified as a large update, a bug fix, Etc. If you would like to see something in the next update to come, or in any new update. Either click here to go to the Minecraft Forum Link and reply to that, or reply to this post, or an Email will be accepted.
EMAIL - jdhegarty6@gmail.com
Upcoming Updates!
[ ] Christmas Crate Drop and Bug Fixes
[ ] N/A
[ ] N/A
[ ] N/A
[ ] N/A

If you encounter a few bugs, Email me the information and I will fix them with the upcoming updates.
There are a list of bugs I have found so far right here.
[ ] Loading the world on 1.8, 1.8.1 the world will not generate.
( To fix this, load the world in 1.7.10 or lower, and than go back
to 1.8 )
[ ] Potion affects can last to long
[ ] Dieing from the poison potion
[ ] Some ruins are seemingly hard to enter
But I asure you they can be eneterd.
Yosemiti Stranded Island - Custom Survival Map Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

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05/29/2021 5:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3616002G's Avatar
Nice map
12/10/2014 3:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
iMasonHD's Avatar
Hey This Map Looks Amazing Just By The Look Of The Thumbnail!

Also, I Am Launching My Channel Soon And I Am Going To Make A Series Of This!

I Will Link You To It Once I Get The First Episode Made!
12/10/2014 7:25 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Strawberry
qouilian's Avatar
Thank you iMason! Apreciate it!
