Minecraft Maps / Complex

Yulon's Departure - Mists of Pandaria

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Level 33 : Artisan Crafter
Yulon's Departure is a minecraft recreation of the Temple of the Jade Serpent from World of Warcraft's Mists of Pandaria, after the Great Jade Serpent Yulon was killed in a fierce battle between the August Celestial's monks and the Dreaded Mogu. The once Glittering Jewel of the Jade Forest was left in stagnant ruin.

This creation is more than twice the scale of the Wow counterpart, and was origionally created to
1. Be a combination of my two favourite games and
2. To enter into the Mists of Pandaria build contest to win a video game console.

The structure is completely made as similar as possible to the Wow temple, but I made certain changes to make it look more appropriate in minecraft, which i will not draw attention to by naming.

There is none of the hilled area around the temple. This is so that people can easily put the structure in their own worlds without trouble. I may work outwards and create the village and landscape in future.

I have not completed the insides of the buildings, but feel very likely to do so in future. For now, the insides are blocked off until complete, though you are welcome to do them yourself.
CreditBlizzard Entertainment Inc.
Progress80% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Speech500 11/22/2012 1:13:28 pmNov 22nd, 2012

Added an introductory poem.

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04/03/2013 5:23 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Really like this! Mind if I build something for my own WoW-bundle that's inspired by this one? :3
11/22/2012 1:15 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
Beautiful. I just made my pandaren a while ago... I dont like the quest line, but the building are amazing. u did a wonderful job. Add me Battle.net = Wowlovesme2@yahoo.com...
11/24/2012 8:13 am
Level 33 : Artisan Crafter
I managed to quit wow almost a month ago, sorry. But I am very glad you liked the build!
10/28/2012 8:36 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Pirate
Amazing! I love it! Great job!!!! *diamonds

You should make more ! <33
10/22/2012 9:44 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
very nice, the details and the chinese look are very impressive!
10/18/2012 3:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
looks epic makes me wana check out wow tbh
