Minecraft Servers

|| Skull Prison || 1.7.9 | Custom Plugins | Daily Events |

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Slime_Worm's Avatar Slime_Worm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
|| Skull Prison || 1.7.9 | Custom Plugins | Daily Events |
Status Offline Pinged: 01/07/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Welcome to Skull Prison. From here you are expected to spend the rest of your life Behind Bars working in the mines and chopping trees, but there is a chance to rejoin society. Work hard, prove yourself worthy and eventually after climbing several ranks you can buy back your freedom.

Though remember to watch your back - prison is rough and while the guards look away you might become prey…

Server Rules

Not obeying server rules can result in kick, ban, or mute from the server-

- No Hacked Clients or 3rd Party Mods
- No Xray or Flying
- No loop holes
- No Glitching or Bug Abuse
- No Spamming or Advertising
- No Racist
- No Griefing
- Respect all Players and Staff
- Adding deathtraps to the mine will get you a temporarily banned, this includes- water, lava, gravel, sand, etc. Also no building structures inside the tree farm.

Prison Rules

Not obeying prison rules can result in being killed or jailed-

- No PVP 
- Guards will attack regardless of who started it
- Don’t camp in front of a non-PVP areas
- No Contraband/Weapons 
- If caught by a guard you have 5 seconds to give up the contraband or you will be either killed (in PVP areas) or jailed (in non-PVP areas).


Default rank: Start working your way up by chopping some trees in the Tree Farm and mining in the Stone Mine. Sell your items in the Center Shop or in the Player Market. Though remember to watch out for the high crime in the block!


Cost: $15,000: Your hard work starts to pay out and you get your first glimpse of a better life. Your newly gained access to a Cactus Farm and a Sandstone Mine, will make things easier. Rent bigger cells and feel safer with better qualified guards and less people.


Cost: $35,000: Nice work! You have earned yourself some higher security, access to a Hostile MobFarm, aPumpkin Farm and a Nether Mine. You can also rent even bigger Cells... Enjoy your stay.


Cost: $65,000: Welcome to Elite. Take a look around and enjoy the beauty. With no PVP in the block you are able to pursue your goal of freedom at much higher intensity. Start digging in the luxurious Snow Mine, where you'll fill your inventory faster than you can believe. Looking for some easy and fast money go to the Reed Farm and harvest loads of sugar. And if you feel hungry? Use the block's Pig Farm! Freedom is only one step away!


Cost: $100,000: Congratulations! Finally after so much sweat and pain behind bars, you are able to leave and live a life of luxury in freedom. You are now allowed to enter and exit the Prison as you please.However, Prison rules must still be followed when inside the facility.


Cost: $1,000,000: Congratulations! Free wasn't enough? Well become an elite member of society and receive access to the Nether. But beware in the Nether there are now laws! So expect to be hunted, griefed and killed. Only the strongest will survive here.


As Guard you have to watch over the prisoners and keep the riots down. You are the only one protecting the honest prisoners from those that want their heads!

- If a player has a contraband count down from 5 to 1 and then you are allowed to jail them. If the player is in a PvP-Zone kill him if he is in Non-PvP jail him for 5 minutes.

- If a player is camping warn them in chat, if this camping continues, jail them for 5 minutes.

- If a player is abusing Non-PVP areas, warn them with /safezone [username], if this safe-zoning continues, repeat this process, if this continues into extent, repeat this process for a 3rd time and they will be automatically jail them for 10 minutes.
- If you see a player attacking somebody else or he/she is attacking you kill that player. If both players are fighting kill both of them.

Jail for 5 minutes for the first time and each time after that for 10 minutes.

Follow the Server Rules.

Don't abuse /kit Guard Command. When using, destroy all items of your previous kit. Not doing so will result in demotion to C-Rank.
To jail, type /jail and keep track of the players you jailed, so you can release them if the plugin fails.
Do not jail for infinite times.
No matter what, you have to remain respectful at all times. 
No cursing, and no calling names!

Application (requirements):
- Be [B] or higher

- You need to know all the rules.
- Add ‘SkullPrison is awesome' somewhere in your app.
- Don't ask us to check your application.
- Have experience with Prison Servers.
- Don't have any excessive mutes, bans, or kicks against you.

To apply fill, out this form:

In-game Name:

How old are you?:
What is your timezone (GMT)?:
What time can you guard?:
How long have you played on our Server?:
What is your current rank (Block)?:
Do you have experience with prison servers?:
Do you have experience guarding?:
Have you read all of the rules (guard and prisoner)?:
Why should we pick you as guard?:


As Mod you will have to patrol the chat, help new players and assist in any questions players might have. You must remain neutral and fair.

When to mute:
- Minor Spam

- Excessive Profanity
- Overusing caps lock
- Disrespecting Staff
- Harassing Players/Staff

When to ban:
- Major Spam

- Advertising
- Racism (first tempban, if repeated permban

Application (requirements):
- Be mature and fair.

- Be [Free] or higher.
- Know and understand all the server rules.
- Be a known name to the server.
- Don't ask us to check your application.
- Don't have any excessive mutes, bans, or kicks against you.

To apply fill out this form:
In-game Name:

In-game Rank:
How long have you played on our server?:
Have you ever been muted or banned?:
If so, why and for how long?:
Why should we choose you as a Mod?:
Additional Information:


If you have been banned you can make an appeal. Ban appeals must be done within 2 month of being banned any later than that will result in a automatic denial. To be considered for an un-ban please fill out the form below.

To appeal fill out this form:
In-game Name:

Who were you banned by?:
When were you banned? (Date and Time, use GMT+1):
What was the ban reason? Do you admit fault?:
What was your current rank (Block)?:
Why should you be unbanned?:
Any other information:


Want to help out the server? Feel like being with a selected group? Fill out the form below to become a SkullPrison Beta tester. All beta testers will be rewarded with a mysterious surprise when the server officially opens!

To apply for white-list fill out this form:
In-Game Name: 

Did someone refer you?:
If so, who?:
Additional information:

Submit all your applications at our Forums

Create an account or sign in to comment.

06/13/2014 11:11 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Slime_Worm's Avatar
Please Make Sure All Applications Are Posted @ Our Forums!!! 
06/13/2014 10:45 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Dangerousbros's Avatar
To apply for white-list fill out this form: 
In-Game Name:  Thedangerousbros
Did someone refer you?:  Nope :P
If so, who?: 
Age:  15
Additional information:  I want to join a good prison server and be a respectable player when the server opens and help the new players.
06/13/2014 11:09 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Slime_Worm's Avatar
06/13/2014 7:47 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Slime_Worm's Avatar
Post all your applications @ our Forums!
06/13/2014 7:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lonewolf778's Avatar
n-Game Name: lonewolf778

Did someone refer you?: I found the server on planetminecraft, so no. no-one referred me.

If so, who?: Refer to the question above.

Age: 16

Additional information:
I have had a lot of experience with prison servers.... actually its the only minecraft servers i play. if you need proof go to the server...
im born in Australia
Skype: Lonewolf778

Thank you very much for taking your time to read this, cant wait to see if i can join into the beta =D.
Thanks, lonewolf778
06/13/2014 7:46 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Slime_Worm's Avatar
Application Accepted!
06/13/2014 7:26 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
lordzordking's Avatar
In Game Name: Nsj2003
Did someone refer you?: No I found this server on planet minecraft.
If so who?: No one
Age: 14.5
Additional info: I have really really big expierience on minecraft and minecraft servers. I do own a hub server and a prison server and I am a server developer. So If you need plugins or texture packs or any coding that u need help with ask me.

Thank you very much for you time to read this form. I would really hope I get accepted.
- Nsj~
06/13/2014 7:42 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Slime_Worm's Avatar
06/13/2014 6:34 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
phillip1202's Avatar
can you whi
06/13/2014 6:41 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Slime_Worm's Avatar
Denied. Please fill out the White-List form with the correct applicartion standards.
Planet Minecraft


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