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[1.7.10]~[Whitelist] ☸ The Third Silence ☸ - Large Scale Medieval/Fantasy (Kingkiller Chronicle) Server - SEEKING BUILDERS!

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thehunter0396's Avatar thehunter0396
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
[1.7.10]~[Whitelist] ☸ The Third Silence ☸ - Large Scale Medieval/Fantasy (Kingkiller Chronicle) Server - SEEKING BUILDERS!
Status Offline Pinged: 02/10/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Hey guys. since I'm now recruiting other people for the project, I figured it was a good time to post it as a server. Things are slowly coming along, but we're in great need of experienced builders. For the main thread, go here. You can post your builder application here, but if you have a minecraftforum account, we urge you to post there instead. It keeps the server thread afloat and will help build our community. The site is having issues right now, but those should be resolved soon.

The world is based on the books "The Name of The Wind, and "The Wise Man's Fear" by critically acclaimed author Patrick Rothfuss, and the timeframe of our server takes place about 30 years before the events of the books.

For the sake of keeping things simple, I'll paste the contents of that thread here so you can see what we're all about.

[1.7.10]~[Whitelist] ☸ The Third Silence ☸ - Large Scale Medieval/Fantasy (Kingkiller Chronicle) Server - SEEKING BUILDERS! Minecraft Server
(Working title. Will be a vote for it later)

Hello, fellow crafters. I'm attempting a rather large build, and could use your help. The project itself is a medieval/fantasy build, so mostly I'm looking for workers who are skilled in that sort of thing, but artists, whitelisters (for the future), etc would also be greatly appreciated if anyone serious wants to jump on board in that regard. But I will stress, builders are what I am in most dire need of at the moment.

Do not ask for mod or admin, you will not get it that way.
In this community, power is earned.

But enough about that, here's the project.

"The Third Silence" is intended to be a full replica of the world from "The Kingkiller Chronicle". The critically acclaimed and yet-to-be-completed trilogy by renowned author, Patrick Rothfuss. It's a good sized map (as you'll see in the screenshots to follow), and the ultimate goal is to eventually build an impressive map on which to host an RP server themed within the universe. That being said, you might think a large portion of the map would require careful building for the sake of accuracy. But the reality is, only a few areas on the continent have been visited by the books thus far, and these are attended to by myself and builders from the books' subreddit. The other 70% of the map, however, is free to be constructed to the generalized vision of the community.

That being said, what I need most are good fantasy builders who can follow general guidelines (these sorts of materials in this city, these people are rich/poor/farmers/fishermen, build accordingly).

If that's you, and you're interested, scroll on down to the main application. If you're still not convinced that this is going to be a worthwhile project, allow me to share with you a few screenshots of the work so far. We haven't gotten far in terms of human structures. Just a small town built, and I'm currently starting on The University. But there's plenty of land, and I've already flattened areas where future towns will be on the map.

[1.7.10]~[Whitelist] ☸ The Third Silence ☸ - Large Scale Medieval/Fantasy (Kingkiller Chronicle) Server - SEEKING BUILDERS! Minecraft Server
Here's the dynmap, with locations organized by settlement size and nations clearly marked. For specific information about each of this, see this (Quite a read, but important to skim over if you want to be a builder):

Click to reveal
Alright, so you're a builder. With great power comes great responsibility. And a couple of guidelines. Here they are.

Firstly, at the spawn, there is a message board hosting a list of locations under construction. This does not count inns, farms, etc. out along the roads between cities, nor does it count minor non-canon villages we might add in later.

This message board lists locations and their completion rates. Currently, we have very little done except the majority of Crosson. I'm personally getting a start on the University.

In addition to this, there is a list of "Build Projects for Kingkiller Chronicle Readers Only".

This is a list of locations visited/described in the books. As these areas have specific structures/setup, they are only to be built by people who have read both books. Just because you have read the books doesn't automatically give you permission to just start building there, either.[/color] Consult myself or a Loremaster about a location before building at a location from the books. And absolutely nothing will be built at Imre or The University without my own direct permission. Loremaster or no.

Locations from the books include:

  • Tarbean
  • The University
  • Imre
  • Trebon
  • Severen
  • Crosson
  • Haert
  • Levinshir

If you want to build some roadside thing, that's fine. As long as its well clear of land you think might be used for those locations. Just generally try to stay a decent distance from book locations unless told otherwise. The only reason for all this, is that for locations so important, we as builders must collaborate and agree on where things will go and how they will look when we build book-locations.

For everywhere else, see the following information on the general economies, climate, and culture of the nations.

[1.7.10]~[Whitelist] ☸ The Third Silence ☸ - Large Scale Medieval/Fantasy (Kingkiller Chronicle) Server - SEEKING BUILDERS! Minecraft Server
Here we have our map (Click here for a larger version).

A litttle bit about each nation.

Firstly, I'll rank them by economy from richest to poorest (as far as can be inferred, and with explanations for my reasoning) and then describe a bit more about each in that order.


      • Vintas (openly described as the richest nation)
      • Modeg (Lots of aristocrats from Modeg, implied as an old nation rich in culture)
      • The Aturan Empire (was in recent centuries a very powerful, all-encompassing Empire. Must retain some infrastructure from this period)
      • Ceald (while each nation has its own currency, Cealdish is accepted everywhere. Cealdish merchants are notoriously business-driven)
      • The Commonwealth (presumably once part of the Empire, Culturally neutral Tehlin Church has strong influence here)
      • The Small Kingdoms (mix of small kingdoms grappling for power. It has been said in the books that the roads there are not safe)
      • Yll (very old nation with no written language. Said to now be populated mostly by sheep)


    1. Vintas is often described as the richest country in the four corners of civilization. There's a saying "rich as the king of Vint". Vintas, like most places, speaks Aturan (this universe's equivalent of English). But their original language is Eld Vintic, of which much classical poetry is composed. Severen is in Vintas. The Maer (a strong political entity who refused to turn over his power to the king when his family ceased to be the royal family) has a grand Palace of marble jutting off of the White cliffs in Severen-High (the richer part of the city up on the cliffs, with crank-lifts leading down to Severen-Low, the poorer district). This Palace has many lush gardens, and lavishly sized and decorated rooms. The landscape is rich and hilly, with many hawthorn and willow trees.

    1. Modeg is near to Vintas, and contains a large portion of The Eld. The oldest forest in the land. Much of The Eld is uncharted, and it is easy to get lost. Sticking to the road is recommended. Many aristocrats at The University are of Modegan descent. Many instruments also originated there, and it seems to be a place rich in old world culture. In all the stories, the Modegan King is described as the oldest and wisest in the land. It is richly forested and wild beyond the limits of its proud towns and cities.

    1. The Aturan Empire was once a vast empire, but in recent centuries, it fell, and has since been pushed back to the land it now occupies. Retaining its title of "Empire", it will likely be pushing into the surrounding nations, testing the waters as it bides its time in hopes of some day returning to its former glory. The Empire likely retains much of its rich stone infrastructure from its days as the most powerful nation in the land. Atur is supposedly where Tehlu sacrificed himself to slay the demon Encanis, and the Imperial Palace likely remains there from the Empire's glory-days. In this nation, old stone buildings, forts, outposts, and castles from the old empire likely mingle with houses and buildings newly built from more modest materials.

    1. Ceald is one of the only nations that doesn't mostly speak Aturan. Their native language is Siaru. The Cealds are an industrious people. Their land is mountainous and chilly, and many of them pursue work of the hands, such as stablemen, cobblers, and blacksmiths. They are bearded, with mildly tanned, rugged complexions. Cealidsh merchants are honest businessmen, but they do no favors. Their culture is centered around independence and self-reliance. For these, they are sometimes construed as greedy, and for this reason, the term "Shim" has become a racial slur for a Ceald. This refers to their currency, as an iron drab can be broken up into 11 iron "shims". There are 10 iron drabs in a copper jot, 10 copper jots in a silver talent, and 10 silver talents in a gold mark. This is the most widely used currency in the land. Given their climate and terrain, their homes should be sturdy structures of strong wood and stone. Lots of logs.

    1. The Commonwealth was likely once part of the Aturan empire. Now, its a sort of middle ground, with no real special cultural tradition of its own excepting that the Tehlin Church has much power here. This is perhaps because of the superstitious nature of the commonwealth people, as economically, many are farmers, dockworkers, etc. Outside some of the bigger cities like Tarbean and Imre, people mostly make a living on their own. The country folk have about the same level of education as country folk everywhere, except that they're a bit more common in the commonwealth. The University, in fact, has contributed to a lot of the superstition. Only centuries ago, Arcanist-burning was a very real threat to students of the university who weren't careful about their practice outside the grounds of The University.

    1. The University itself is an institution of learning, thousands of years old. I could make an entire thread explaining The University, but to summarize it here, they teach chemistry, math, sympathy (a more scientific form of magic) and sygaldry, which is essentially permanent sympathy using runes. Some at the university can even call upon the ancient magic of naming. Imre gets a lot of its business from the university students across the river, and many inns and taverns have cropped up around the campus itself. The Tehlin Church used to perform active inquisitions in these parts, but they're slightly more lax in recent times. They still hold much of the legislative and judicial power in the commonwealth, though. And a smart man avoids crossing the Tehlins, or spouting heresy in towns they have much control over, such as Tarbean. Tarbean is a town with a large Tehlin church and two main districts. Hillside, which is where the aristocrats live. Its a well kept, cleaner part of the city. Waterside, down by the docks, is a shamble of old, slapped-together buildings. Here, vices, poverty, and crime run rampant, and a wise man keeps his distance from the slums, even in broad daylight. The guards are ruthless to the vagabonds, and the town itself could be well described as a wretched hive of villainy and corruption, where the difference between rich and poor is very stark, and both hate each other. Trebon is a small, rural town with a good sized Tehlin church, an inn, and not much else. Lots of oak and elm forests rounding out into vast open plains.

    1. The Small Kingdoms. Not much to say other than the fact that a great many small kingdoms exist in this land, all fighting each other for land and power. Banditry runs amok here, and the roads are generally unsafe. The towns are probably cheap and suspicious. The land itself shares a similar climate and landscape to Vintas, but the places here are more bare, and the people struggle to get by under their flaky rulers, wrought with greed.

    1. Yll is an ancient nation with no written language. Instead, they have special knots to represent words and phrases that act as their recorded language, but this is far out of practice, and very few of the Ylls can even read Yllish knots anymore. Contact with the mainland has exposed them to the Aturan written language widely used by the rest of the land, and so Yllish knots have become archaic. They are mostly spread throughout the rest of the land, foreigners wherever they go, but not totally unwelcome. Just often more difficult to understand through their cultural manner, and old, complicated language, whose grammar and syntax is very unique, drawing largely on Yllish philosophy. For example, there are six different ways to name an object. In possessing an object, the object also possesses you. That sort of thing. Yll itself is fair weathered and hilly, but incredibly rural.

Additional Peoples and Lore:

    1. Ademre. Not making the economic list as it isn't much of a nation at all, but does have some structure. The Adem were once nomads, with no land of their own. Often unwelcome and seen as squatters, several thousand years ago they made their way over the first ridges of the Stormwal Mountains and settled into the windy plains nestled between the mountains. They are a quiet people, wary of outsiders. All people not of the Adem are seen as barbarians, and uncivilized. To the Adem, facial expressions are not socially acceptable except with close friends and family. Instead, they use a complex system of gestures with the left hand. They have a loose guideline called the Lethani that is hard for outsiders to understand, as it is not direct, but inherent. Something meant to be instinctive that acts as a universal moral direction. Not the path itself, but the way to it. They also practice a dance called the Ketan that is comprised of motions used in combat. Through this, they become fully accustomed to their fighting style through their ketan. There are many schools of the Lethani throughout Ademre that teach many forms of the ketan. Adem often become mercenaries (dressed all in red), and return 80% of their income to the school of their Lethani to support the village. To take the red is a grand honor, and Adem mercenaries are especially lethal and very well paid. Often twenty times the pay of an ordinary mercenary. Ademre is very mountainous and windy, and while the homes (often hewn right into the rock) are modest, they are not cheap. The materials are rich, their furnaces sturdy and well made. The people themselves are just very quiet and modest. They do not often speak because it is considered of the lethani to learn to say much with little. Outsiders unaware of this, have come to spread legends that the adem do not speak in order to conserve the power of their words, and unleash them in combat, hence why they are so agile and deadly. The Adem also do not see sexual intercourse as an intimate act, and such relations are handled openly and casually. They also do not believe men have a hand in reproduction, and that while women produce the children and teach the lethani, all that men can give back to the world is their anger. While women often hold the powerful roles in Adem society, the Adem are not abusive to men. Their society is very equal, their gender roles are just vastly different from the rest of the world.

    1. Tinkers are travelling salesmen, often with donkeys laden with their wares. They are cheery, love to haggle, and are generally very kind, honest, and fair folk. It is considered very bad luck to cheat, disrespect, or otherwise cross a Tinker. And there are many stories and lessons revolving around characters who have made this mistake.

    1. The Edema Ruh are an ethnic group that travel around the four corners of civilization in trains of wagons. By tradition, they are outgoing, hospitable, and live to entertain. They are troupers, musicians, and parlour magicians. A tradition exists that if you come upon a group of Edema Ruh who are stopped for the night, and they offer you wine, you must refuse, insisting on water. If they ask again, you refuse again. After this, for your selflessness, they will bring you both water and wine, and for the night, you will be treated as family. This is a Ruh secret, however. And non-Ruh would not be privy to such information. The Edema Ruh, despite being a far-flung series of small groups, consider themselves to be one big family, and they are very honest and welcoming. Their reputation, however, is not so sterling. Being frequent travelers, stopping only to perform their plays and entertain the townspeople for their tips and donations, they often get blamed for mischief and crime occurring around the time they stopped in town. Its an easy way for the real culprits to get away with it, just by blaming the now-long-gone troupe of Edema Ruh. For this reason, they are branded in many places as undesirables. Conniving liars, thieves, and bandits. But this simply isn't true. In fact, by tradition (and this is another fact an outsider wouldn't know), Ruh who turn to such dishonest activities and break the tradition of hospitality, are to be slain and have their hands and faces branded with a half-circle. The "Broken Circle" to show that they are no longer part of the Ruh family (the unbroken circle). Ruh wagons are often richly adorned with symbols and cheery colors, and the Ruh themselves are prone to wear the colors of their patrons if they are lucky enough to have any. Some rich aristocrats will act as patrons to particularly skilled troupes of Ruh, who agree to wear the patron's colors in order to spread his influence and reputation through their entertaining. In return, the patron sees to their general well-being.

    1. The Fae is a realm beyond the realm of man, consisting of many magical creatures and humanoid beings collectively referred to as The Fae. Very few Faerie folk come to our world, as it feels rough and boring to them, and they have to be skilled in order to make the trip. Some Fae it appears, like demons, have an aversion to iron (which burns their skin) and clean fire. Many believe the Fae to be pure myth, and Fae who do visit the world work careful magic to conceal features that would give them away as Fair Folk.

Other stuff:

    1. There's also Waystones, which act as roadside markers throughout the land, and are mysterious in origin. They're maybe a man's height and a half, perhaps as tall as two men in some cases, and can also be found occasionally on hills or in forests. No one knows what they really are, except that they seem to just be monolithic stone markers of some kind.

    1. If I come up with anything else, I'll add it, but that should cover more than enough.

    1. Lastly, to get a GENERAL idea of the style we're working with here (which can be tweaked in structure/material/size based on location, culture, and economy), see these planetminecraft entries.





    1. Study the shapes. The style. Where what blocks are used, and how they come together to make a believable structure. But the best advice I can give to you as a builder is this.

        • Never make anything too square unless its supposed to be, always think about how can you mix up the structure you're doing.
        • Constantly be conscious of whether your structure is physically possible. Think "Would this stand up on its own?" And if not, think about how you can make it better.
        • Think function. What kind of building am I making, and what would I expect to find in such a building? What is too little and what is too much? What would these people, with their income, education, etc, have in this building?

      1. That sort of thing.

      1. I'm sure all of you will do great, and I can't wait to see the great things you guys are building. And for those of you who aren't fully confident in their skills, trust me, with continuous practice, you will be surprised how quickly you become a very accomplished builder.

    1. Looking forward to working with you all!

= Large City
= Medium City/Town
= Small Town/Village

The map was painted carefully in worldpainter over the course of about a week (working on it off and on). The map is roughly 20480 by 14080 blocks. That doesn't sound like much, but trust me, it's bigger than it looks. Mountains were carefully painted after I did some tutorials and practiced, and the trees are split into four different types of forests based on biomes using trees from lentebriesje's custom tree repository, with spawn rates custom tailored to look just the way I wanted. Those brown splotches are wheat fields in some farming provinces at the east edge of the commonwealth. The basis for this map was the map included in the first few pages of the books, seen here.

The bottom-right corner is torn off, which is why the trees in that corner are painted so sporadically. The intent was to experiment with a 5th type of forest that I would turn on decay for and frost over to give a frozen "dead" look to. It is also worth noting that all of the cities marked in that map and several that are not, have spaces cleared on the map with gravel roads leading into them. On the dynmap, these locations are organized with icons of a small, medium, or large house intended to represent estimated settlement size. Yeah, it's kind of a big project.

All in all, I one day hope to turn this project into a noteworthy and impressive server. But between now and then, I could use all the help I can get. If you're interested in being an artist (for texture tweaks and general graphics), pm me or post below.

But if you fancy yourself a builder and would be interested in helping me out, I ask only the following simple application.

Builder/Whitelist Application:

What is your Minecraft username?:

How old are you?:

How long have you been playing Minecraft?:

What is your timezone?:

How many hours a week can you dedicate to the server?:

Include links to screenshots of your builds, preferably in the medieval/fabtasy style:

Also, if you have skype and would like to join the community chat, pm me with your skype username and I'll be happy to add you. You can also get updates on this project by joining the enjin community (which I just now created). To do this, go to kingkillercraft.enjin.com/joinus and permalink your response to this thread. The longer whitelist form is for future candidates when we release as an RP server.

The current texturepack (until we can get good artists to make our own) is Dokucraft Dark.

If you've read the books, you already know this is going to be an amazing build. If you haven't, you could sure use to join us and find out.

I look forward to hearing from you all!

Server/Source Material Lore:

Click to reveal
In the beginning, Aleph spun the universe from the nameless void. And in this universe was Tehlu, who was of Aleph, and it was Tehlu who made the world and loved it so. He loved it so that when demons slipped into it from the outer darkness to wreak havoc and tread the lands of men wearing their skins like costumes, he manifested himself on earth and for 7 years, chased the demons from our world until only one remained. Encanis, who's darkness hung from his face like a shadow. Six cities fell before Tehlu caught Encanis and pinned him to an iron wheel in a deep pit of coals, knowing even demons can be killed by cold iron and clean fire. Using his own body to hold him there, he burned from the earth along with his greatest enemy so as to spare his creation from the demon's treachery.

That was long ago. The Tehlin Church has faded in and out of the spotlight since then, at times commanding great and terrible power over the trembling souls who inhabit the lands under the scrutiny of their inquisition. The Aturan Empire has risen and been beaten back in the centuries that lead up to now. Our story takes place thirty years before the events of The Kingkiller Chronicle. In a world tense and uneasy at the prospect of what may lay beyond the next dawn. This is a time of political tension, where the Aturan Empire, centuries fallen and yet unceasing to relinquish its title of "Empire" bides its time in quiet desperation. Sitting in the middle of the continent, it prods delicately at the borders of its neighbors, who beat back these sly intrusions quickly and easily, but never with the fullest confidence that no more will follow. While the Vintish aristocracy laments over the wine of the dark days to come, rag-tattered children fight for scraps in the downtrodden slums of Tarbean, convinced beyond hope of doubting that dark times are already here. They always have been. They are all they have ever known. In portside bars, Cealdish merchants and Yllish traders chat uneasily about the dangers of the open road in these uncertain times. Banditry and lawlessness run amok in the rural backlands and vast unwatched expanses between the further corners of their self-described "Civilization".

Between them exists a silence of things unspoken. A deep and irrational wariness to speak of death for fear he may come to pay a visit. A worry that swells like the sea in a tempest. This silence stretches far out of the dimly lit doorway and down the broken cobbles into the night, for here lay the second silence, which clung unwillingly to the night. It was a silence that ached with absence. A waveless harbor sitting stile and unbroken like a black mirror basking in the light of the moon. The hollow emptiness of horses long put to stable and carts set still as waystones on the roadside for the anxiety of travelling in a night as dark as these times they dared to exist in.

But to find the final silence, you must dare to go further. Outside the safety of the city walls and beyond the reassuring calm of the keep's glowing lanterns. If you walked a few miles down the broken path, you might finally come upon the last silence of the three. It would engulf your senses, swallowing them as wholly as the other two silences. Standing there, at an uncertain crossroads so much like the one the world around you teetered precariously at the fork of, you would begin to feel it. The tension on the air, the smell of fears unspoken sighing through the trees with the gentle rustling of autumn leaves sent tumbling down the rainswept cobbles that lay between the path you set behind you and the path that lay ahead. This is The Third Silence. It is the shadow on the wall. The emptiness in places once lively. The crisp shimmer in the midnight air. But more than these, it is the quiet foreboding of things yet to come.

And more than than these, it is the story I am about to tell.

If you want your application to be seen faster, go to kingkillercraft.enjin.com/joinus, paste a link to your app in the "Pre-Existing Whitelist Application" form, and click submit.

If you are accepted, you must join this community and link your minecraft character to your enjin, as ranks and permissions are linked between the site and the server. We look forward to your applications.

The site is having technical difficulties at the moment, but these should be resolved within a few days. A builder application will still be required, but as the site (where our IP is normally displayed) is having issues, the IP is

Tell your friends!

And don't forget to drop us some diamonds!
CreditChefWalker, pavangerow, Killamunga, Mightymugwump, Tiamat7200, silentrain142, selbor61, and NickHaldon

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09/21/2017 6:46 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Magrosh's Avatar
Is this given up on? Its amazing from what iv'e seen in the screenshots.
Huge Name of The Wind fan.
09/14/2014 10:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bands1221's Avatar
Minecraft IGN: BandS1221
Age: 23
How Long Ive Played MC: I have been playing minecraft for about 3  years.
Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone
Hours Per Day: It ranges from 2-6 hours a day.
I am only interested in being whitelisted atm so i will not be posting screenshots.
09/14/2014 2:52 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
thehunter0396's Avatar
Very well, you're free to look around. Just be aware you won't be able to build and that prior to launch, the whitelist will be purged so that people can submit their character applications. Just so no one already whitelisted starts mucking things up with an OP character that never would have passed screening.
09/01/2014 3:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lovehug14's Avatar
I can't find a place to post my builds i tried the link in the app but i can't find a place to post them on the website sorry.
09/01/2014 11:56 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
thehunter0396's Avatar
http://imgur.com/ tends to work very well. Just click "Upload Images" in the top left.
08/31/2014 10:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
xXD4RK_SPRITEXx's Avatar
Minecraft IGN: xXD4RK_SPRITEXx
Age: 14, 06-23-00
How Long Ive Played MC: 3 Years
Time Zone: EST
Hours Per Day: 4-9

You Can't Put Picture's In Comments
09/01/2014 12:36 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
thehunter0396's Avatar
I'd suggest uploading somewhere and including the link in the application.
08/31/2014 1:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lovehug14's Avatar
Minecraft Name:Lovehug14
How Long:2 1/2 yrs
Timezone:AEST(australian eastern standard time)
Hours a week: around 10
Here: (sometimes they don't work message me if so)

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