Minecraft Servers

Creation Bay

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Creation Bay
Level 56 : Grandmaster Toast
Creation Bay
Status Offline Pinged: 02/02/25
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Creation Bay stands proudly as the pinnacle of the Minecraft creative experience, a server that prides itself on it's strong community, friendly atmosphere and awe-inspiring builds.

Creation Bay began life nearly 3 years ago as a simple private server shared by only two friends, today more than 55,000 people have explored the lands and builds of Creation Bay. Whether you're just beginning to experience the possibilities of creative mode, or you consider yourself to be a veteran, CB has more than enough to offer; an expansive and in-depth rank system, a strong and well experienced staff team, multiple worlds that cater to every skill level, a friendly and genuine community that looks out for each other.

Creation Bay developed naturally, from that small server shared by friends, to a hub of activity, we know what users what, and we aim to provide a user-driven experience, all ages and all ability levels are welcome to find a home on CB.

What will you create?


Here at Creation Bay we have 7 custom building ranks all with their own unique permissions! And best of all, they're all FREE. You're not able to buy these ranks, so everyone is judged equally! Can you claim them all?


These are your first ranks, which have plots, only a small obstacleon your road to greatness!

- Novice
Requirements: Simply log into the server and you will automatically be assigned the Novice rank! To rank up,build in the PlotWorld with 32x32 plots that is good enough to impress the admins/mods

- Journeyman
Requirements: A build in the PlotWorld with 70x70 plots that is good enough to impress the admins/mods.


These two ranks have showed us they've got what it takes to tackle the main world!

- Craftsman
Requirements:An advanced building that are good enough to impress our admins/mods. Craftsman receives access to work within the Main World.

- Artisan (NEW RANK!)
Requirements: Considered a "step rank". Artisan rank is being introduced so that staff can help builders reach the higher ranks.

- Master
Requirements: An advanced building that are good enough to impress our admins/mods. This rank will show us you're ready for the next tier of ranks!


You've experienced plots and freedom, and now with these new tools, what are you capable of!

- Grandmaster
Requirements: In order to receive Grandmaster, a user must create a moderate to large-scale build that has a variety of materials, as well as demonstrates an array of building techniques. Grandmaster receives basic/limited World Edit commands such as //set and //replace, as well as access to the lite version of Voxel Sniper.

- Architect
Requirements: Architect is the 2nd highest, non-staff rank on the Creation Bay server. In order to receive Architect, you must complete a Build that is of large to massive-scale. The build must have a variety of materials, as well as demonstrate an array of building techniques and knowledge. Architects receive almostall availableWorld Edit commands, as well as full access to Voxel Sniper.


You're loved by many. You're known by all. You are the best.

Requirements: This rank is the pinnacle of building talent. Their works must be impressive on both scale and detail, very few people have received this rank, purely due to the difficultly factor involved with its expectations.

FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON RANKS GO TO: http://www.creationbaymc.com/forum/threads/rank-requirements.1646/


A mature and dedicated staff which helps CB a safe and fun place to be.

- Trial-Moderator
Requirements: Trial-mod is the transitional rank from the user population to the staff population. They have some, but limited abilities to assist ranks in promotions, build tips and suggestions, kicks, bans and chat moderation. If you see a trial-mod on be sure to say hi and be friendly, who knows, someday they might be staff.

- Moderator
Requirements: Unlike other ranks on the server, Moderator is not one that can simply be achieved through building. The users who receive this rank are nominated by existing members of the trial-moderator team, and then voted upon.

- Admin
Requirements: Admins are the highest ranking users on the server. They have access to every necessary command required to ensure the server rules and expectations are upheld. They are involved with implementing changes and voting upon ideas regarding the future development of the server. People who receivethis rank are nominated by existing Admins and then voted upon. People who are nominated for Admin are often long time serving Moderators before hand.

- Owner
An exclusive rank, limited only to the server owner UltimateInfinity.

- Founder
An exclusive rank, limited only to the server founder ProjectBlackWolf


A special thankyou to you, without you Creation Bay wouldn't be where it is (:

- Guardian
Requirements: People who donate to the server are provided with this rank, as a way for us to say thank you. Guardian receives instant access to the servers Main World along with extra commands!

- SeniorGuardian
Requirements: Guardians who create epic and amazing builds receive this rank, SeniorGuardian. SeniorGuardian receives many of the same permissions that Architect have. The only 2 non-staff ranks higher than SeniorGuardian is Architect and Superior, which can be earned through building, the same as all the other non-staff ranks. *This ranks is not buyable, it's after Guardian*


Check out Creation Bay's offical website: http://www.creationbaymc.com

Check Creation Bay out on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/CreationBayMC

Follow Creation Bay on Twitter:http://twitter.com/#!/CreationBayMC

Like Creation Bay on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/creationbaymc

We also have a TS channel: ts21.gameservers.com:9240

And jump on the Creation Bay Forums to say hello and keep up to date: http://www.creationbaymc.com/forum



Additional Notes

Creation Bay, a server dedicated to kicking ass and taking names! Big builds, growing community, great atmosphere! Grab your friends and jump into the ultimate creative experience!! :D
CreditProjectBlackWolf, UltimateInfinity, DimensionCrew, BeatlesGirl, Hemglassen, Lynnetelfer, snazzbot, Zwander, edvardkenfish, Knexmaster, Pandoroxus, Noobso, CosNick, Alpha37, Hemligt123, dr_ye11ow, JumboJames, Krisminer1, DamienP300, r3v3453d, Jonpser

33 Update Logs

Temporarily down-and much much more : by Creation Bay 03/20/2015 2:44:12 pmMar 20th, 2015

Hey Guys,

The staff team at Creation Bay want to update you on what's going on. We can assure you that this is nothing like what happened last time, your files should all be safe and sound; as it turns out the issue was with multicraft, and on the server host's end. We've gotten in contact with the host, and gotten the server back online. Unfortunately, our perms file seems a bit derpy, so until we sort that out, we're whitelisting the server.

As far as the problems with the website go, we've verified the email, and we're just waiting for it to be reinstated.

Thanks again all you loyal CBers!

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01/30/2019 3:36 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
was a good community and i hope everyone is doing well nowadays. thank you for having me

07/17/2018 2:23 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
sad :(
06/20/2016 3:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IT'S BACK! server.creationbaymc.com
03/26/2016 4:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Where has this server been? It hasn't been up in about a year now...
08/28/2015 12:18 am
Level 33 : Artisan System
Any idea of how long it will be until it's online again?
06/10/2015 11:52 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
nvm it just crashes when I try to join
06/10/2015 11:50 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
Banned for no reason :<
05/03/2015 5:37 am
Level 47 : Master Baconator
lol so thats why i couldn't join haha
04/28/2015 10:59 am
Level 43 : Master Network
Hey guys,

My team is doing a review on this server, but i'm missing some information.

Who is the owner? what are the rules?

Thanks. From the pics, it looks really nice.

Heres the link for refrence to the review: LINK
Altitude Community
03/26/2015 11:30 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
This was amazing. I was shocked when I first joined. Purely creative. Purely awe inpsiring.
