Minecraft Servers

Kingdoms Of Tallaenarr [RP][QUEST][BETA][BUILDERS NEEDED]

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Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Status Offline Pinged: 12/28/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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                ⊃Kingdoms Of Tallaenarr           
In a land fuled by war,  the Kingdoms Of Tallaenarr is a Roleplay server set in late Medival times. Kings have marched countless expeditions to unite the continent under a single banner, in order to enstill peace amoung the people. However none have secseded in doing so. Your quest peasant or noble warrior, is to ride to your own desitny. You could become a simple peasant working in the feilds for the town you are pleged to, or you may become the king of an empire. You could also choose the path of theifery, rebellion, or the life of a sellsword. Just remember the more ambitous your goals are the harder they are to acheive. Much more is to come in future instalments as the server is still in BETA.
1.Do not  greif or declare war on a town if the other party you wish to declar war on does not wish to declare war.

2.Speak In global chat only in your RP character. If you wish to speak to a player out of chacter put (brackets) around your message.

3. You may curse aslong as the RP permits it.

4.Do not use hacked clients as this will not be tollerated and will ultimatly result in ban.

5.Do not demand to be staff as you have to earn it by being  a good person in the community.

6.Do not use racial slurs or make fun of peoples sexual prefrences.

7. Do not advertise other servers or even speak of them.

8. Make the most of your time on the server by doing what your wish.

2.[King] needed
3. [King] needed
4. [king] needed
5.[Queen] needed
6.[Queen] needed
7.[Queen] needed
8.[Queen] needed
King/Queen = Builder

1.Kingsguard  Needed
2. Kingsguard  Needed
3.Kingsguard  Needed
4.Kingsguard  Needed

1.KingsHand  Needed
2.KingsHand Needed
KingsGuard = Admin


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11/15/2015 3:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
can i be a king of a town
11/22/2015 11:03 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Sorry for the late replay arronbuilds, just add me on skype ragexdeath
11/15/2015 3:14 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
i can are king
