Minecraft Servers

MassiveCraft - Roleplay & Factions Server

  • 83,930 views, 4 today
  • 427 server score
  • 182 Votes this month
  • 320
  • 183
  • 151
Level 46 : Master Warrior
MassiveCraft - Roleplay & Factions Server
Status Pinging...
Game VersionMinecraft Java
MassiveCraft - The 1.20.4 Factions RPG 
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IP: massivecraft.com

MassiveCraft is the Original Factions Server! Experience 30+ custom plug-ins, explore handcrafted worlds, and take part in an international community! Our server can be joined using 1.19.4 to 1.20.6 Java clients. Come and create your legacy!

Roleplay: Aloria is MassiveCraft’s high fantasy setting. The City of Regalia is sprawling and contains the Regalian Empire’s brightest minds and lowest criminals. You can join guard charters, criminal gangs, noble families, businesses and more, all depending on how you wish to play your character!

Factions & Kingdoms: MassiveCraft hosts the original Factions plug-in made by Cayarion. The latest Factions expansion, Kingdoms, allows players to engage in large scale wars against other Kingdoms, and take part in normal faction activities like PvP, tournaments, and raids!


75 Update Logs

New Vote Crates - Update : by massivecraftcom 06/03/2021 2:24:25 pmJun 3rd, 2021

With summer arriving, we've introduced some new item crates onto Massivecraft for players to gain lore items, enchanted gear and lots more. The keys for these crates are given to all players online when someone buys certain ranks on the server, so make sure you're logged in for the chance to gain some new items!

We are also allowing players to trade some of their current items to be able to finish any collections or acquire something they've been wanting for awhile. For more information, check this thread and visit Massivecraft to see how you can get involved.

Have a Massive Day!

Community projects posted by members on this server

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Hanako Kamado
07/15/2024 2:44 pm
He/They • Level 1 : New Collective
I love the server a lot and it's really pretty and fun to play on and I suggest that everyone should play it some time.
10/15/2023 6:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I'm wondering if American players can play as well. (I'm still going to join though. The sever looks really Fun :) )
02/21/2020 12:55 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
Great server, been playing for nearly 5 years now. The lore is detailed and cohesive and its very active during prime hours.
08/29/2019 12:51 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
02/22/2020 10:35 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
Theres a normal RP world at /tp roleplay. Idk where you got the idea the Survival world was all there is.
06/19/2019 2:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
This has to be the best server I've ever played on Minecraft. This isn't a normal minecraft server, Massivecraft ascends above the rest, with all its flaws, as a shining beacon of what a good minecraft server should be. Having played on here for four years, every other server seems dumb and generic. I have many fond memories of this server, and it has been here for me during the best and worst times of my life so far. Only downside is all the time I've sunk into it.
05/17/2019 11:50 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
just hopped on the server which i last played on in 2016 (played since 2013) and im sad to see that everything has been reset and all my progress as well as my faction's progress is gone. can anyone provide a link or explain what happened cuz i used to play regularly and i dont know if i should start building up on this server again
10/17/2018 12:44 pm
Level 46 : Master Warrior
MassiveHalloween 2018

We’re excited to bring you a whole month full of the spookiest, scariest events and games for the MassiveCraft Community! From the return of pumpkin carving, to haunted houses, trick-or-treating, and community movie nights, we’ve included something for everyone! Take a look at our schedule of events, and keep an eye on the events areas of the forums, because we have spontaneous spooks happening all month long!

Friday Night Haunted Tours!
Friday, October 5th @ 6pm EST -The Curse O’er Vladis Castle

- Hosted by Jonificus

Friday, October 12th @ 6pm EST -The Curse O’er Vladis Castle

- Hosted by Jonificus

Friday, October 19th @ 6pm EST-The Curse O’er Vladis Castle

- Hosted by Jonificus

Friday, October 26th @ 6pm EST- Super Spooky Event

Saturday Movie Matinee!
Saturday, October 6th
Movie Title - 2 PM CST / 8 PM BST - Coming Soon!
Movie Title - 4 PM CST / 10 PM BST - Coming Soon!
Movie Title - 6 PM CST / 12 PM BST - Coming Soon!
Movie Title - 8 PM CST / 2 AM BST - Coming Soon!
Extra Movie if Time Allots

Saturday Night Spooking!
Saturday, October 13th - The Headless Hunstman Event by Percuriam
Saturday, October 27th - Hallow’s Eve Carnival and Night of Frights

Miscellaneous Staff Events!
Saturday, October 6th 5pm EST - Pumpkin Carving!
Friday, October 19th, 7pm EST - Haunted House Decorating Contest!
Friday, October 26th, 6pm EST - Zombie PvE Event
Sunday, October 28th, 5pm EST - Staff Trick or Treating hosted by seoulmate
05/02/2018 10:00 pm
Level 46 : Master Warrior
KOTH Gets a Spa Day

We’ve undertaken some major changes for KOTH, and staff is beyond excited to finally release a brand new KOTH system! This change is major, and with some definite benefits, so read on!

What’s Changed?

KOTH is now being held once a week instead of every three hours. Every Saturday at 4pm CST!

With the reduction of KOTH instances comes new prizes. Winners of KOTH also get good news! The number of items obtained from the KoTH loot chests has been increased from 1 to 3, giving each player 3 items from each Key they win.

Item drops are now also enabled. While you won’t lose armor, you will drop everything in your inventory when you die. So don’t bring anything you think you might lose!

Also - Faction relations are on. This means no more free for all. Rather, work to support each other, and fight your enemies! But this also means that winners receive three CoK points if you are in a Great House!

We hope these changes encourage players to participate, and get hyped for a brand new, totally rewarding KOTH battles!

This first renewed KOTH will take place this Saturday, April 28th, at 4pm CST

Head to /tp KOTH to participate
