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OdehCraft: Apply For Staff!

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iOdeh's Avatar iOdeh
Level 14 : Journeyman Crafter
OdehCraft: Apply For Staff!
Status Offline Pinged: 12/03/23
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Welcome To Odeh-Craft:

In here we give sharing and help. For example: Big plots, helpful staff, child-friendly, and more!
We follow by the rules of:
1. Keep It Child Friendly.
2. Don't Swear.
3. Don't hack.
4. No advertising servers.
5. Don't talk disrestpectful to staff.
6. No inapporpiate builds.
7. No advertising websites.
8. No spam encouragement.
9. No long hashtags.
10. Don't spam.
11. No drugs.
12. No griefing.
13. No inapporpiate usernames.
14. No inapporpiate pet names.
15. Don't ask for staff.
16. No scamming.
Apply Fot staff: (Answer This Questions On The Comments below)
1. What occupation are you looking for applying?
2. How long will you play every day.
3. What's your IGN?
4. How old are you?
5. Why do you want to be staff for? [2-10 Paragraphs]
6. What happens if a griefer comes on the server?
7. What happens if somebody curses?
8. Have you had any experience of serers before? [Yes Or
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05/29/2015 8:02 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
_TheDiamondHD_'s Avatar
1. What occupation are you looking for applying?
I am applying for Admin

2. How long will you play every day.
1-9 hours

3. What's your IGN?
4. How old are you?
5. Why do you want to be staff for? [2-10 Paragraphs]
I wanna be staff on the server so I can help out the server and make it more poular and more interesting. I am experienced with plugins and also experienced with Admin moderatoration. I am looking foward to your server :).

I think Admin is my passion because I am nice and also sometimes mean because people doesn't follow the rules. If I caught them hacking or doing msg plans, I can ban them because it is a secret Admin command that can see what are people typing.

6. What happens if a griefer comes on the server?
I will ban them and see who is the griefer. This plugin is called CoreProtect

7. What happens if somebody curses?
I will ban or mute or tempban them for 5-10 minutes

8. Have you had any experience of serers before? [Yes Or/i] No]
Yes I have a server
Admin- 5

05/26/2015 10:09 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Crafter
iOdeh's Avatar
I'm thinking...
05/26/2015 11:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
Goots's Avatar
Alright hope you come round to it :P

Edit: Tell me if you make me admin/mod and ill jump right on
05/26/2015 10:04 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
Goots's Avatar
1. I'm applying for Admin/Mod.
2. I will try and play as much as possible
3. My IGN is baileykg04
4. 12
5. I want to be admin/mod cause im a really nice guy im a redstoner and im a good builder ive been playing MC for around 3 years im pretty good by now also ill help the server grow on other servers. I think it will be good so its up to you :)
6. I would kick then if they keep going temp ban then if again perm ban
7. If someone curses I would mute them if after ill temp ban but not perm unless its to a staff member or its Cyber-Bullying
8. Yes ive got like 20 in my list lol

Thanks for reading (if you read...) hope I get admin/mod
05/26/2015 12:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheHearness450's Avatar
1. What occupation are you looking for applying? Admin or mod
2. How long will you play every day. 3 Hours
3. What's your IGN?TheHearness450
4. How old are you?15
5. Why do you want to be staff for? [2-10 Paragraphs] I want to be staff too help small communities grow, I want to help them get players and advertise and help them out in evry possible need. Also I may donate to help benifit the server, also I want to help out newer players with this awesome. Also I have expierience with servers so I can deal with all the swearing,griefing, and helping people out.
6. What happens if a griefer comes on the server? I will tell he/she to stop and please leave after that it will result as a temp ban
7. What happens if somebody curses? I'll give them three warnings then a kick after that a ban
8. Have you had any experience of serers before? [Yes Or/i] No] Yes
05/26/2015 12:30 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Honor_San's Avatar
1. I'm applying for Developer.
2. I will play as often as I can, and seeing that school is going to be out in 2 weeks, I'll be on about 5 hours a day or so.
3. My IGN is felicia_the_goat.
4. I'm 14, turning 15 in August.
5. I want to be a staff member on this server because I think that it has potential and I can add to that. I think that I can help by doing permissions because I have some ideas and experience doing so. I can't however do coding and all that sophisticated stuff, but I can get the job done and make the server look nice. I have a lot of experience from different servers, I use to own my own server for a while until it was shut down because I could no longer pay for it. Other than that I had Dev on multiple other servers that I lost contact with. But I would still be a great assett to your team. I believe if you gave me a chance to show you what I can do you would be pleased.
6. If a griefer comes on the server, I would kick them and tell them to stop, and if they proceed I would tempban, then permaban.
7. If someone curses, I would warn them not to. If they continued I would mute them, then tempban if they continued, and then permaban.
8. Yes, and all of it is listed in number 5.

Thanks for reading my application and I hope I get selected for this prestigous opportunity.
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