Minecraft Servers

Ozrel.net - Australian RP Minecraft Server

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Lizzie's Avatar Lizzie
Level 30 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Ozrel.net - Australian RP Minecraft Server
Status Offline Pinged: 03/11/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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**Note: The server has only just recently opened so we don't yet have a large playerbase. Invite your friends! Also, there's still lots of buildings to be completed, so don't mind the awful stone walls. They're getting replaced.

What's Ozrel?

Hiya, I'm Liz! So, Ozrel is a casual RP server, where you can live in a city, create your own business to hire players, build a city with a group of friends and sell housing and factories, and much more. We're a friendly, relaxed community and we love new players! Posted Image I hope you take the time to check out this server.


Go to http://ozrel.net to find our forums and information about the server. I recommend that you sign up for the forums to keep track of events and to apply easily for permits, towns etc. We're looking for mods/admins, too, so you can make an application if you'd like.

How do I join?

Just connect to the server at, there's no whitelist and you don't have to sign up anywhere - but you should read this guide first, otherwise you won't know what to do on the server.

What's the story behind Ozrel?

In as short words as I can put it: A woman named Elizabeth Brown was a fearsome pirate, riding a diamond ship (minecraft logic!). Her ship was destroyed and she washed up on the shores of an unknown land, which she dubbed Ozrel. Soon after, other people began arriving too, and they began building cities.

What's there to do on this server?

There's a lot to do - the first thing, however, is you'll want to get a house and a job in a nice city. If you go to the ship at spawn, you can visit a bunch of towns and choose your favourite! So, once you get some money from your job, you can spend it on items or permits, or even create your own business or mining company to hire players, or create your own settlement.

What can and can't I do?

Other than the basic no griefing, no chat abuse (racism, offending etc) rules, basically, you can't build or mine in an area without permission. Most items are supposed to be acquired by purchasing them from other players or the great marketplace, but they can also be obtained from your own business or the wilderness (if you dare!). This means you can't just dig a giant hole in some random spot and drill out some diamonds.

Most land cannot be changed/mined without permission, however, there's a special area called the wilderness accessed by portals far from cities, which is located in a seperate world where you can mine, grief, mine, kill players and such. It's an extremely dangerous place but you aren't limited as you are in the normal world, and you can bring any riches you find while hunting back to the main world! Note: We use custom maps for the wilderness, and they change often, as if you were visiting seperate areas of Ozrel. It's not a place for building, and any buildings you create or items you place in the wilderness will be lost on each map switch, so make sure to bring your items back to a chest in your safe house in a city, and only keep temporary items in chests in the wilderness!

Am I safe building on this server?

Don't worry, we're fully protected from griefing. If someone's messed up your base, just let an admin know and we'll fix it. Or, for pre-grief protection, if you don't intend to let anyone else to build in a specific area that you own, you can get an admin to disallow anyone placing/breaking blocks there.

About businesses... I want one, tell me more.

You are not allowed to create a farm or mine in a normal house plot, so if you wish to make money from farming or mining, you will need to buy a business permit for 5000oz. Once you pay this 5000oz to an admin, you are allowed to purchase factory plots in a town, which usually cost around 1000oz each. You can then turn this plot into a farm or mine, and then hire players to make money for you, or farm/mine there yourself! It's best to choose a very popular town for your factory so that workers choose to work in your factory. However, because demand is high for factory plots in popular cities, it might cost a lot of money!

You can hire other players who are in need of money. This is done via chest/sign shops, where players right click your sign to automatically exchange items from your factory into oz. Money is automatically deducted from your account for these goods - but don't worry, you are the one who chooses how much you buy each item for. You can then instantly sell these items for a higher price to the marketplace stocks, an area in the marketplace only accessible to those with a business permit. The marketplace sells these goods to players for an even higher price! So basically, the more workers attracted to your factory, the more money you make.

You can also sell your goods at your own shop, cheaper than the marketplace sells them, to avoid getting ripped off by the marketplace and to supply a better deal for players! There's usually an area in a city that sells shop plots, similarily to how there are areas for housing plots. You then make chest shops in your shop plot and put some of your stock in the chests for players to buy!

How do I make a town? What can I do with it?

You need a group of at least 5 members to rule your town, and 10,000oz (Ozrelian Coins) for each person (that means minimum 50k). If your town is only supposed to have 1 leader, that's fine, but there has to be at least 4 people building and living in the town, and you still have to pay 50,000oz+. So, once you've made your town, you'll want to have premade houses, premade shops, housing plots, shop plots, premade factories or factory plots. You can pick and choose which of these you want - you could have only a few or you could offer them all. Housing is where players pay a small amount to live in (premade) or build (plot) a home. Shops are where players will sell their goods at a lower price than the great marketplace, and factories are where players can build businesses in your city.
Anyway, as your town gets larger, you gain certain titles and permissions for it.

Settlement: Your initial settlement. It's pretty much bare.
Requirements: 5 royalty members
Bonuses: None.

Village: A small village with a few houses.
Requirements: 8 houses/housing plots, 5 occupied houses, an inn/tavern or hotel.
Bonuses: You can connect your village via road to another road to create an intersection, or another settlement (Tip: If you want to connect it directly to another settlement, one of their royalty members must approve - they don't want some random path coming out of their city without their knowing).

Town: A small town starting to become known.
Requirements: 15 houses/housing plots, 7 occupied houses, 5 factory plots, a town hall.
Bonuses: The ship at spawn can now take players to your town.

City: A nice city bustling with activity
Requirements: 17 houses/housing plots, 10 occupied houses, 7 factory plots, an entertainment/recreation building of some kind, and a monument.
Bonuses: Cities can get warriors.

Kingdom: A massive kingdom, renowned among all of Ozrel
Requirements: 20 houses/housing plots, 15 occupied houses, 10 factory plots, a castle/palace. A settlement owned by a kingdom can never become a kingdom, unless the royalty of the kingdom agrees on a price to remove the settlement from the rulership of the kingdom. (Max 100,000oz)
Bonuses: You can go to war with other towns. Any town can get warriors; a player promoted by a royalty member to become a full citizen of your town. Warriors are sworn to fight in the name of your town when a war takes place while they're online. For a kingdom to participate war, they need to have at least 5 warriors and 1 royalty member online. Also, even if they are not online for the war, over 50% of the royalty members from each town must have had agreed to go to war with each other. Basically, the first kingdom with no royalty left alive loses the war. So you need to defend your royalty members AND attack the enemy. Anyway, the kingdom that wins the war gets 10 diamonds or 10,000oz from the defeated kingdom, and they may also build a monument, such as a statue, celebrating their victory in the defeated kingdom's town.
You can have people create settlements under your kingdoms name with no group requirements or admin permission, they have to pay you at least 5000oz, but that's the bare minimum - you can charge more. These towns can not become kingdoms. They will also give you a share of all profits if you wish, but it has to be agreed on in the initial deal. Warriors of your kingdom are sworn to protect these towns, and warriors of these towns are sworn to protect your kingdom.


- Do not build/destroy where you aren't permitted to. Keep in mind that housing plots are usually sold to players, so contact a member of royalty for a city before you build in a housing plot. You're also only allowed to farm or mine in a factory. Any supplies you need can be bought with ozrelian coins at the marketplace or player shops. If you're short on cash, work at a factory - the owner doesn't have to be online.

- Do not grief. A few seconds within finding a serious grief, you will be banned and the grief will be completely reverted. Don't think that we're not prepared for these things!

What is grief? I consider grief to be ruining something that belongs to something else or creating offensive things. If you accidentally break something, don't panic. It doesn't make you a griefer. Just replace any blocks you removed. If it's an unfixable accident, for example you accidentally place a water block in a volcano and all the lava becomes obsidian, call an admin and we'll roll back everything you've changed in the area.

- Do not discriminate or be hurtful towards other players because of race, gender or beliefs. Sexist and racist jokes are offensive, so be mindful.

- It's okay to be upset with or dislike someone, but don't constantly harass or threaten them in the server.

- Do not complain about our rules. If there's a rule you want to be edited, removed or added, rather than making a scene about it to us, you can make a post in suggestions and we'll consider it.

- Do not pvp if you're not in a city or the wilderness (a seperate realm accessed by portal).

- Do not steal from chests. Even if unprotected, do not take anything from chests that do not belong to you, unless you are allowed to by the owner of the chest.

- Do not mine/farm outside of a factory/company. You can, however, do this in the wilderness, which is an alternate world.

- Do not build outside of cities without a permit. It's 5k for this permit, and you're allowed 1 building outside of a city.


Basically, you can do a whole deal in our server, and you don't need to sign up or anything! Just connect at and start playing!

Additional Notes

An server based on hiring players in businesses, making shops and building towns & kingdoms.

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11/14/2012 1:02 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
lando293's Avatar
plz update the server
06/29/2012 12:43 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Pony
cowgomoo's Avatar
IGN: Slam15243
What Rank i Want: trial-mod
What Skills am i good at in minecraft: redstone and design
How many years i have been playing for: since 1.8
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