Agent Ulgrin Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Agent Ulgrin

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Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
Agent Ulgrin is a minor character in Scp containment breach who acts as the player's escort during the intro sequence.
In the Class-D Cells, Ulgrin will open the player's cell and tell them that they are needed for testing. If the player refuses, the guard will lock the door and activate the gas valve causing the player to die.
Upon cooperation, the guard will tell the player to follow him to SCP-173's containment chamber. He will lead in front, while another guard follows behind, both guards casually conversing en-route to SCP-173's chamber. If the player refuses to follow the guard, then he will shoot the player.
After the breach, Agent Ulgrin and Security Chief Franklin can be seen inside the intro office. Franklin will alert Ulgrin of SCP-173, which appears directly behind him. The two then proceed to back out of the room, both watching SCP-173. If the player attempts to go near Ulgrin during this sequence he will open fire on the player.
Ulgrin can later be heard conversing with another person over channel five of the radio. He will claim that Dr. Maynard is still inside the facility, suggesting that he has already escaped the site by the time this conversation takes place.
Agent Ulgrin Minecraft Skin

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12/21/2018 1:49 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
Control. This is Agent Ulgrin.I need to request open door 3-1-1
