Azur Lane - IJN Ayanami (Retrofit) / full redo Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Azur Lane - IJN Ayanami (Retrofit) / full redo

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fubukaze's Avatar fubukaze
Level 76 : Legendary Sus Sailor
finally redid this from scratch

best girl btw just saying
torpedo demon ftw

no fancy story other than the fact that the pedo i was in an argument with yesterday now thinks that if they post a website trying to spread their beliefs that people will instantly like pedos.


good fucking luck with that cunt

also "immorally support the criminalization of pedophilia" lmfao

more like

"immorally" support the criminalization of something totally immoral.

i hate this cunt

anyone wanna do me a favor and troll the shit out of em on discord?

DM me on here and i'll give you their tag n shit

i want them to fucking die

ref image:

Azur Lane - IJN Ayanami (Retrofit) / full redo Minecraft Skin

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