Claude, King of Unification - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Claude, King of Unification - Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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fire emblem man yes's Avatar fire emblem man yes
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
Oops. forgot I made this quite some time ago. Here you go.

A remake of my old Timeskip Claude skin, based on the Legendary Claude artwork from Heroes.
(here's the old one, if you were interested)

Maybe one of these days I will post the Legendary Dimitri skin I made months ago, but I'm still not sure because I just don't feel like it's good enough (maybe you can be the judge of that)

Dimitri skin (let me know what you think)
Claude, King of Unification - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin Claude, King of Unification - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin Claude, King of Unification - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin

and the old one for comparison


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