Linhardt, Hevring's Heir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Linhardt, Hevring's Heir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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fire emblem man yes
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Prince
Linhardt von Hevring is the son of Count Hevring, the Minister of Domestic Affairs of the Adrestian Empire. He has a consuming interest in the study of Crests, the marks of birthright which dominate the system of nobility in Fódlan. Linhardt bears a minor crest of Cethleann himself. He is often inexplicably tired, and napping is one of his favourite pastimes, next to study. He has been a close friend of Caspar's from a young age, their parents being acquainted, even if their personalities are at odds.

Linhardt, Hevring's Heir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Linhardt, Hevring's Heir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin
Linhardt, Hevring's Heir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Minecraft Skin

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