Clone Commando (Alt.) | RC-1207 'Sev' Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Clone Commando (Alt.) | RC-1207 'Sev'

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commandoCC-9811's Avatar commandoCC-9811
Level 38 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Decided to make the Delta Squad out of my alternate Commando skin. Tell me what you think of it!

This is an alternate version of my original RC-1207 'Sev' skin, this one using my Clone Commando (Alt.) skin as a base. Please comment, diamond, favorite, even subscribe if your daring! Criticism is welcome!


RC-1207, nicknamed 'Sev', is the squad sniper and co-smart-aleck of the elite Clone Commando squad dubbed 'Delta Squad'. He's a skillful and fierce head-hunter who always has his finger on the trigger, and is always looking out for his squad-mates backs whether at close-range or at sniping distance, which is anywhere really for him. His squad includes three other Clone Commandos including the no-nonsense and strategic leader RC-1138, nicknamed 'Boss'; the silent and inquiring technician expert and slicer RC-1140, nicknamed 'Fixer'; and last but definitely not least the humor abiding explosion and demolitions expert RC-1262, nicknamed 'Scorch'. These Clone Commando's will survive through this devastating galactic war and will be together until the end of the Clone Wars.

Wookieepedia | RC-1138 'Sev'


All my other skins can be accessed through my account page, the link is right here -----> commandoCC-9811

For all of you wondering, the reason why it is 95% done is because I may change it without notice for small errors or changes. So keep coming back to make sure you have an up-to-date version! :D

Please send me feedback on what you think of my skins. Comment on it, criticize what you think should change, even saying it's alright is good. (need to know what you guys like and don't like, although I may not always change it depending on whether I agree or not.) Tell me what you want to see next, do you want me to continue through all of the Delta Squad, or start on another skin?

If you even want to be nice to me (please do!) you can diamond, favorite, or subscribe to me!

Thanks for your time and support!

CreditLucasArts, George Lucas, Mojang AB

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by commandoCC-9811 09/02/2012 9:16:20 amSep 2nd, 2012

Fixed a small problem with the bottom of the individual parts being upside-down xD

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