Esdeath- Akame Ga Kill Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Esdeath- Akame Ga Kill

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SilentWish's Avatar SilentWish
Level 47 : Master Skinner
Esdeath is a high-ranking general of the Empire, and the leader of the Jaegers.

Esdeath appears to be quite emotionless and indifferent to the suffering of others. She enjoys torturing her enemies slowly, seen when she used her Teigu to put large blocks of ice in a boiling cauldron so that the prisoners inside would die slower and suffer more. Despite her sadistic actions, she is actually shown to have a compassionate heart when it comes to the lives of her men and others close to her. Esdeath values and respects those of whom she deems strong and competent, and will generously reward them without asking for anything in return. She is obsessively infatuated with Tatsumi.


Edeath is a sadist who lacks empathy for people of whom she deems weak, since she lives by her father's philosophy ("The strong survive and the weak die"). She enjoys putting her enemies through great pain, both physically and emotionally.

She has no qualms about killing innocent people to get what she wants, and rationalizes her behavior with her father's old creed. Esdeath however is not completely heartless, since she cares about her comrades and adores them, and this in turn inspires their intense loyalty and devotion.

Esdeath has been shown to comfort her comrades when they are in emotional pain, as seen with Seryu Ubiquitous, despite the fact that this seems to contradict her views on the strong and the weak.
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Here you go :Di hope you like it. And sorry that i didn't do the hat. I'm not that great at making hats :/
But for now it's incomplete so i'll try to make it and if u want you can make the hat yourself :D
Also tell me in the comments below if you want me to change the Hair color to a darker blue. Well thanks for checking it out.
Also be free to give me advice, because i want to get better with my skins soon :)


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10/03/2014 9:44 pm
Level 1 : New Network
KenKaneki's Avatar
Make Susanoo please
08/21/2014 2:20 am
Level 1 : New Network
KenKaneki's Avatar
Nice job!
08/21/2014 6:32 pm
Level 47 : Master Skinner
SilentWish's Avatar
Thanks! :D
