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monkeyman9174's Avatar monkeyman9174
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07/14/2014 9:07 am
Level 24 : Expert Geek
sharkwars's Avatar

 We all live in a Yellow Submarine

Wes Anderson is an independent American director, noted for his droll dialogue, distinctive visual style, and obsessive attention to detail. His first film, "Bottle Rockets", launched the career of Owen Wilson. His second breakthrough feature, "Rushmore", concerned the battles between a precocious private schoolboy and a steel industrialist played by Bill Murray to win the heart of a pretty kindergarten teacher. The third film, "The Royal Tenenbaums", concerned a dysfunctional New York family - with the mischievious patriarch Royal seeking to overcome his alienation from his talented but wayward childhood. His latest picture, "The Life Acquatic with Steve Zissou", is a loving and irreverent homage to the French oceanographer, Jacques Costeau. "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" concerns the efforts of an oceanographer, Steve Zissou, to hunt down a Jaguar Shark who killed his best friend, a cinematographer. He is assisted in this quest by Team Zissou, a motley crew of misfits, artists, reprobrates, and interns from the University of Northern Alaska. On the way, Steve Zissou meets an American pilot who claims to be his lost son, a pregnant British journalist, his estranged wife, and his professional rival. There are also diversions caused by kidnapping, piracy, and the ensuing threat of bankruptcy. The plot owes much to Hermann Melville's classic Moby Dick - Zissou is a mad Captain Ahab hunting for his own version of the White Whale. There is also the happy-go-lucky spirit of the Beatles classic song, "We All Live in a Yellow Submarine". There is much too like about the film. The ensemble cast features such talents as Mr Ghostbuster Bill Murray, Angelica Huston, Owen Wilson, Cate Blanchett, and Noah Taylor. The boat, "The Belafonte", is depicted with loving care. The ocean has an iridiscent otherworldiness, presented brilliantly with stopgap animation. The music features the work of David Bowie - sung in Portugese - and underwater electronica. The film is a quirky and droll arthouse film. There are some great moments. I particularly liked when Steve Zissou warned the interns from the University of Northern Alaska that they would receive a result of "non-complete", if they mutinied. However, the film never reaches great heights of comedy or tragedy. The director explores themes apparent in past films, such as "Rushmore" and "The Royal Tenenbaums". There are familiar images of errant patriachs, prodigal children, and redemptive quests. The film lacks, though, the heart that made his previous films so loveable. "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" is like a beautiful cabinet of curiosities - full of amazing oddities, but a bit sterile.
JimJam Warrior
06/14/2014 8:13 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Goblin
JimJam Warrior's Avatar
05/09/2014 6:24 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
Emperor_Daniel's Avatar
Awesome :) Im using it :DD
