Floral Fairy Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Floral Fairy

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Efflorescence's Avatar Efflorescence
Level 48 : Master Nerd
From what started as a simple flower sash has somehow turned into this burst of colors, and I personally really like it. Hope all of you guys do as well! Also. . . I've noticed, especially recently, that "teen" skins have been getting quite a lot of hate. This has inspired me to try something a bit more realistic -- please let me know what you think! Feedback is much appreciate -- And I'm not dissing the other style, I just find myself liking this style a bit more! :)

If you enjoy the skin, please leave a diamond, favorite, and/or subscribe! Means the world<3

Floral Fairy Minecraft Skin

Floral Fairy Minecraft Skin

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03/10/2018 11:42 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Artist
ebbony's Avatar
I could favorite all your skins. How did I not find you until now??
06/11/2016 9:53 am
Level 40 : Master Goblin
Lola's Avatar
your colors are really nice, you don't seem afraid to take risks when hue shifting either! The skin color itself makes the skin looks alive and healthy, which i don't see that often anymore :p
However, you went a little enthousiastic with the details, i would suggest leaving the vines away from the body, to make it look clean but still detailed! Another suggestion is working on your contrast: the green colors are really contrasted, way more contrasted than all the others which throws off the balance. I think lowering the contrast would also make it less messy.
Anyhow i hope this feedback is useful and that you post more like these things in the future :)
06/11/2016 11:30 am
Level 48 : Master Nerd
Efflorescence's Avatar
Thanks, that really helps! And yes, I did go a bit detail-crazy. I know that I rely on them a little too much -- I'll definitely work on applying them more tastefully. The contrast part is something I struggle with as well, I know. I'm still very new to the concept. I used to do very basic light and dark shading, and the hue-shift/contrast type shading something I've only been working on recently. Still trying to find the perfect shading style for myself, haha!

Thanks for the feedback! It definitely helps me grow as a creator, which is something I definitely need. ^_^
06/10/2016 12:54 am
Level 71 : Legendary Senpai
LIL_Danica's Avatar
Stunning work, the colours and amazing!
06/10/2016 10:24 am
Level 48 : Master Nerd
Efflorescence's Avatar
Thank you so much! :)
06/10/2016 12:52 am
Level 32 : Artisan Skinner
NZBabyWonka's Avatar
Beautiful colour palette! <3
06/10/2016 10:23 am
Level 48 : Master Nerd
Efflorescence's Avatar
Thank you<3
06/10/2016 7:47 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Skinner
NZBabyWonka's Avatar
you're welcome!
06/10/2016 12:51 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
The wing design is wonderful
06/10/2016 10:23 am
Level 48 : Master Nerd
Efflorescence's Avatar
Thanks! It took forever to find a wing shape that I was satisfied with, hah.
