Goro Akechi - Black Mask Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Goro Akechi - Black Mask

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RogueNines's Avatar RogueNines
Level 22 : Expert Skinner
"Teammates!? Friends!? To hell with that!"

Sorry for the absence, I always spend so many hours on each skin I make so it kinda demotivates me to make another so soon. But I do enjoy making them so I'll most likely keep doing it for some time.

Anyway this character has got to be a favorite of mine as I've always enjoyed the edgy/insane characters, they always have some of the most memorable lines and scenes due to the immense emotion they often display.

This was probably the hardest skin I've made to date, but then again I say that with each new skin I make aha. But trying to create his beak-like helmet in a cube based game was very challenging, I'm sure it could be done a lot better than I this one but I tried my best to get it as close to the original as I could.

Sorry if you don't like how it looks, maybe I'll change a few things here and there to make it more authentic as time goes on but I don't think it'll differ much from it's current look.

Hope you all enjoy!

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