Halo 4 Air Assault armor Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Halo 4 Air Assault armor

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Hellcraft JZ
Level 54 : Grandmaster Skinner
This is my skin of the Halo 4 Air assault armor set as seen on my thread.

What I'm doing is making the skins based off the list of the halo 4 armor I've found, all with the same coloration as seen on the list. This is just a test however. If you want this skin, please feel free to download. If you want this skin in a different color variant and/or custom parts, which there is, you will have to go to my custom halo skin thread on the mine craft forums here. There you will have to send me a pm of your custom skin request. Please make sure you read the instructions carefully.

Another great looking skin done! Hope you guys like this one. :D
CreditHellcraftjz, 343

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07/10/2013 9:31 pm
Level 43 : Master Grump
Hey craft, may I use a few of your skins in an animation series? It's about what would happen if the halo characters were stuck in the minecraft universe.
07/10/2013 1:29 pm
Level 31 : Artisan uwu
