I'm Baaack! (Read Desc) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

I'm Baaack! (Read Desc)

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Myra_'s Avatar Myra_
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Sorry for the lazy skin/bad colors, I made it on my phone. The color slider is tough at the best of times, and when you're on some backwater road that's trying to vibrate your teeth out, it's even harder to use.

I have returned from le vacation. Thought y'all should know, it was this awesome thing called EAA AirVenture, and for those of you that aren't obsessed with airplanes like me (which is probably all of you???) it's basically ComicCon. but with more airshows, and also more sunburns.

Here's some updates:
Sorry I've been inactive for the last couple of weeks, my phone browser decided it hated PMC for a little while, and my Internet connection apparently hates it even more. Now that I'm home, it's mostly fixed, so I will return to my normal levels of activity.

School for me starts this Monday, which is in two days (I KNOW, I HATE IT TOO), so I might not be checking PMC *quite* as frequently, but I'll still be on way more than I probably should.

Yes, my 2000 sub meetup is still happening!! I had $40 saved up for a Mineplex rank, but ended up blowing all but about $15 of it on le vacation souvenirs, but I promise, it'll still happen, and you'll have time to prepare for it (unlike my normal impromptu meetups, which, while fun, I understand are a pain in the butt to attend.) There will be a dress code, because those are fun, and there will be screencasting. Because my voice sounds bad on recordings (and also because my mic is not good) and because two-hour-long silent let's plays are no fun, it will more likely be a Meetup's Greatest Hits compilation than a full-on let's play.

Oh yeah, and my server died. I don't have enough money to spare to keep it up with enough RAM (especially with my saving up for a Mineplex rank) so it'll be down until further notice. However, I still have the world saved, so it may start up again in the future.

Feedback is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to look at this admittedly subpar skin.
More (better) skins will be posted soon, hopefully with meetup info!
And remember, kids, I get bored easily, so if you ever want to play Minecraft or some other game with me, feel free to add me on Steam (TheBigBacon) or PM me about playing Minecraft sometime.
Credit( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Fluffeh Cloud
07/31/2016 9:53 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Narwhal
Fluffeh Cloud's Avatar
omg at least ur vacation was good
i went to san francisco
all motels and hotels taken
we *7 peeps* slept in our car ;-; likeAKSDWDJKLSD back pain
eyes tired
brb gonna die
ALSO Welcome back gg missed uuu
07/31/2016 7:57 pm
Level 48 : Master Grump
Citadelle's Avatar
wb myra
the doom you feel when you start seeing the back to school shopping adverts
07/31/2016 7:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
sidtom's Avatar
rip school
07/31/2016 2:41 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
Welcome back my friend! Hope you had a relaxing vacation .D.
07/31/2016 2:53 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
Thank you!! Relaxing isn't what I'd call it, but it sure was fun! xD
07/31/2016 5:34 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
Oh xD whoops
07/31/2016 2:13 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Zombie
asixn's Avatar
Welcome back!
Ya know if you want anyone to host a Meet up on mineplex you can call me in whenever, just not today through Thursday
07/31/2016 2:53 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
Ay, thanks! <3
That would probably work way better, honestly. xD
I'll hit you up with a PM so we can start planning. :>
07/31/2016 8:10 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
void___'s Avatar
Welcome back Myra !! :D
07/31/2016 9:59 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
Thanks!! I'm glad to be here again! <3
