[Kari] Passing Demon || Contest Entry Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

[Kari] Passing Demon || Contest Entry

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TsukiaKari's Avatar TsukiaKari
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
Contest entry for PBSquidPlays's contest. The theme was Videogame Character so I was going to choose someone from Mogeko Castle but then I realized I already skinned Yonaka Kurai and didn’t really feel like making Moge-ko so I decided to go for Okegom's other game, The Gray Garden.

This is Reficul, a fallen angel from her world. She calls herself "just a passing demon" until the very end of the game, so this is basically spoilers xP

Removed the outer skirt because super poofy clothing doesn’t look good on skins as well as the tail because I couldn’t get it to look okay :p

I most likely will make Rawberry and Froze sometime, as I love those characters as well, almost as much as I like Reficul for Rawberry. I had a hard time choosing which character to skin to submit for the contest xD

I may also skin Moge-kov, Greif, Rieta, and maybe one or two of the gods in The Gray Garden :p

[Kari] Passing Demon || Contest Entry Minecraft Skin

[Kari] Passing Demon || Contest Entry Minecraft Skin
CreditWings style by Angel_15, taken from her Cirno skin

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03/26/2018 12:20 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Cake
Fireflye's Avatar

I think this might  make it. might
I am one of da judges
03/26/2018 3:05 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
TsukiaKari's Avatar
Thanks :3
