Kiba/Yuuto From High School DxD new/old Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Kiba/Yuuto From High School DxD new/old

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  • 168 downloads, 0 today
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Level 35 : Artisan Princess
Welcome to The Skin :D

Character Skin Info

Kiba is a handsome young man with short blonde hair and grey eyes. Like Issei and the rest of the boys of Kuoh Academy, he wears the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, which consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, and matching black pants. Kiba's blazer is fully buttoned, and he wears brown dress shoes to complete the "Prince Charming" look.

How To Use On Non-Premium Accounts

1. Go to Your Texture pack folder

2. Go To Mobs
3. Replace "char" Name And replace it with this skin
4. Ones you replace the skin Put the skin Name "char" Again

See Character Info Here

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