KKK Minecraft Skin
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Rizard22's Avatar Rizard22
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
The history of the United States of America, a fairly young state, contains a large number of dramatic and secret pages. One of the most critical moments in the history of the country was the civil war that broke out between the free North and the slaveholders of the South. It began in 1860, when relations between the two sides heated up to the limit. There were many influential parties in the North that supported radical democratic reforms, one of which was the abolition of slavery. The movement was headed by A. Lincoln, who was elected president. But the conservative-minded forces of the South did not support him and declared war on the Democrats. The bloody confrontation lasted 4 years and, having claimed more than half a million lives, ended with a formal surrender and the signing of peace in 1865. Thus, slavery was abolished, the black population received freedom and constitutional rights. However, the racial confrontation did not end there. In the South, there were a significant number of secret organizations that were engaged in organizing and conducting terrorist actions against military personnel who defended the rights of the black population. Among these organizations, in particular, were "Blue Lodges", "Social Union", "Sons of the South". However, the most widespread were the "Knights of the Golden circle", whose number reached 115 thousand people. But during the war, most of these organizations disappeared for certain reasons.
After the end of the war, the process of Reconstruction of the South began. Of course, there were many people of different social status who were dissatisfied with the liberation of slaves. This, in fact, was the reason for the emergence of a new anti-Black organization.
It was an organization with an incomprehensible and magical name Ku Klux Klan, which was formed on December 24, 1865.

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