Krampus Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Santa's Workshop Skin Contest.

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Miss Shadowz's Avatar Miss Shadowz
Retired Moderator
Level 53 : Grandmaster Artist
Once upon a time there lived a young boy, his name was Krampus. Although his appearance seemed threatening, dark and evil, in reality he was a lovely, kind boy, who cared for others even if they would not return the kindness. Every day, he sat alone, playing with nothing but a used destroyed teddy bear, he adored it, for it was his only friend. Krampus had no parents, nor had he ever had parents, some said he was a demon, cursed to forever haunt the surrounding lands, and the reason behind his deprivation of parents was due to the fact he was summoned to this world. No matter how nasty words were, he never let them affect him in anyway, and hoped that one day things would change, and that day, was soon to arrive. Weeks, perhaps months later, a boy around his age approached him, he was stunned by courage of this boy to even allow himself to see the "demon". Discussions were held, and eventually the two became undeniably close friends, and the boy's name, Nicholas of course. Years and years followed, their friendship only grew, but then came a time, where Krampus stopped aging. He was 17 when he failed to show any evidence of growth, but this went unnoticed for many years to come. Nicholas however, continued to grow, soon, surrounding awareness grew. It appeared the boy Nicholas was suddenly friends with someone much younger than himself. As Nicholas had always been a blessed child, he had no choice but to break his friendship, as he was destined to do great things, and had to maintain the support of the citizens. Krampus was furious by this act of betrayal, and left immediately. He traveled days and nights, searching for something he did not know. Perhaps it was hope. Not once did Krampus ever feel the presence of hunger of thirst, even though he had gone weeks without anything to keep him alive, yet time continued, and he grew skinnier, and weaker. Soon enough, he became too weak to move on, he closed his eyes, desperately trying to wake up from this nightmare, but he couldn't, for it was no dream. Tears rolled down his face, splashing on the dry ground surrounding him, and then he lay down, waiting for death to arrive. A shadow crept across his body, picking it up and carrying to a sheltered area, where flames flickered, turning darkness to lightness. When he gained consciousness, he was both surprised and not surprised to discover the man was not Nicholas, but another, wearing clothes of a peasant. He was given food and water, and told the stories that the stranger had to tell. Months later, the man had managed to convince the boy out of his kind ways, and lit up a path full of darkness and terror. He was convinced that rid the world of those who punished him and scarred his heart, he should make them suffer as he did. From that day forth, he would punish the bad. He made his way back to the village he grew up in, wearing a dark cloak to blend in and to insure his identity would remain unknown, he dreaded the day someone found out who he was. A leather sack lay across his back, for now, it contained nothing. When he reached his village, he found himself staring and bright lights, and a tall pine tree with a star on top. He peered through the windows of homes, seeing presents laid under similar, smaller trees. Every house was full of them, the bright lights and stars. His curiosity arose and he found himself peeking through the window that belonged to Nicholas, who was now old and feeble. He reached down and brought up a package, then wrapped a dark shade of red, ribbon around it, he then passed it to a man who had been waiting for a while. "Thank you, Saint Nicholas, I will do my best to deliver this". Krampus was stunned, Saint Nicholas he thought. Krampus wasn't to be seen in the town for a while, he was busy making his dreams, reality. A year later, he returned to the village. He entered the houses of those who had failed to give him their blessing, silently, he replaced all the carefully wrapped parcels with a smaller gift, one containing coal. Krampus smiled to himself, ecstatic with all he had done, no matter how absurd it may of seemed. But, replacing presents with coal wasn't enough for him, he crept up the stairs of a house, and entered the bedroom of a child living there, before the child had a chance to scream, his hand was across her mouth, and all piercing sounds were unable to be heard. Then, he placed the child in his sack, and returned to his lair. What happened to the child, and those that followed? No one knows. Krampus was immortal, so he lived on and continued to commit these bad deeds. Eventually, the paths of krampus and Nicholas had once again crossed, and although Krampus was now a bad person, Nicholas proposed a companionship, one to apologize for all he had done, and one that would forever remain.

Hello PMCers, today I bring you my contest entry, Krampus. For many nights and days *cough* minutes, I searched for an idea. An idea I could not fiind. Blah blah blah, eventually I found one. Krampus was a demonic beast-like creature, and punished those who had misbehaved during the Yule season. Krampus captured children (and put them in his sack) then carried them away to his lair. Krampus originated in Germany, and the early Catholic Church had discouraged celebrations relating it. He was the companion of Saint Nicholas, who rewarded children with gifts. Krampus supplied children with coal. Now, I'm sure we all know the rumors of naughty children receiving nothing but coal for Christmas. It is believed that this rumour originates from many places, including silicily, holland, england and the nobleman. What I'm referring to is the last one, the noble man, otherwise known as Saint Nicholas.


Being the companion of Santa/Saint Nicholas means he too relates to Santa's workshop as he works to distribute coal instead of presents to those who misbehave. A companion is one with whom another travels with, this strongly suggests they worked together to deliver presents and coal.Just like elves and reindeer, Krampus and his companion assure Christmas goes as planned, the welfare of the children lays in their hands. It is their duty to serve. c:



4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Miss Shadowz 12/17/2013 8:00:41 pmDec 17th, 2013

edited colours and added preview with labels

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12/17/2013 6:06 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Little_Hedgehog's Avatar
dang its goood
12/17/2013 5:23 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer
MusaTheLegend's Avatar
The update is neat, but it's lost it's Krampus feeling.
Miss Shadowz
12/17/2013 6:35 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Artist
Miss Shadowz's Avatar
I really didn't like the first version, and at least this one gives the impression of darkness and mysteriousness :p
12/17/2013 6:37 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer
MusaTheLegend's Avatar
yeah, that's true. it's more "evil" now :p
12/17/2013 10:31 am
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
Creatable's Avatar
He looks more like a sorcerer than a devil, i like how you pulled the skin off in your last update, this update has lost the christmas spirit :(
12/17/2013 9:16 am
Level 40 : Master Blockhead
RelioBear's Avatar
Wow!! Magic....!!
Miss Shadowz
12/17/2013 9:17 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Artist
Miss Shadowz's Avatar
much sorcery
12/17/2013 9:19 am
Level 40 : Master Blockhead
RelioBear's Avatar
much christmast!!
Miss Shadowz
12/17/2013 9:23 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Artist
Miss Shadowz's Avatar
Such happiness
12/17/2013 9:38 pm
Level 40 : Master Blockhead
RelioBear's Avatar
such......such....such.....out of words..
Miss Shadowz
12/17/2013 9:54 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Artist
Miss Shadowz's Avatar
