Mark IV Spartan Armour Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Mark IV Spartan Armour

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Level 71 : Legendary Lad
Smog clouded the bleak skies over the battlefield, gore from both Sangheili forces and UNSC marines mingling and painting strewn debris a sickening magenta. Death was in the air, and Spartan 0728 or "Bishop" could smell it through the breathing filter in his helmet. He checked the glowing HUD sprawled across his visor for any signs of hostile insurgents. Several red dots pinged on the radar. It was time to move. "Sir" called a nearby private who's name was Reed, "we've lost several troops to an unknown creature, and from some garbled and fervent reports, we could make out a hissing sound. Didn't sound like that of a Sangeihli warrior."
"I'll go take a look" said Bishop, quickly cocking and prepping his DMR.

He had been walking for about an hour now, and no signs pointed to foreign creatures, aside from the footprints and carcasses of Covenant troops. Suddenly, he saw it! Tracks. Racing over, Bishop stopped dead in his tracks. Small traces of black powder were mixed in with the square footprints. "Square footprints?" said Bishop to himself, "what the...?" Bishop heard something coming from behind, but when he turned around, it was already too late.

Troll ending! Trollolololololololol. ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð
I shall now yammer about this skin. First off, sorry this took so long to complete. Lately, I've been doing a lot of studying and practicing with sketching manga, so I've been transitioning between making my texture pack, making skins, and practicing manga. I'm annoyingly ambivalent :P
I tried a new color picking technique with this skin. Still stuck to shading the skin like I normally do. Long story short, instead of making the darkest color the most saturated and the lightest color the least, I kinda switched that principle in the opposite direction. The palette i used is included in the skin (more of an incentive to download, eh?). Surprisingly, this skin wasn't as challenging to make as I thought it was gonna be. Tell me what you think. ;D.

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07/14/2014 7:29 am
Level 49 : Master Baconator
Pretty cool skin. One quick thing: It's Mark VI, Not Mark IV.
06/25/2013 7:35 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Soldier
HUD Display (Heads Up Display Display) ??? xD
06/25/2013 7:38 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
Whoopsy daisy. Fixing time!
06/25/2013 7:40 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Soldier
xD im just messin with ya bro xD but ermagerd, whurs der surnghurlur skurn???(oh my god wheres the sanghelli skin?) XD
06/25/2013 7:44 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
Lol, I haven't really bothered making one. I might work on a new Master Chief skin soon. But first I have to start on a few new skins that I've been planning on making.
06/25/2013 8:17 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Soldier
MYTHOLOGY MYTHOLOGY xD remember, there is still no Achilles skin ive found yet on minecraft xD
06/19/2013 8:27 am
Level 25 : Expert Artist
:0 as a huge fan of halo i give this a 1000000/10, i think thats a good score.
Really cool skin dude :D
05/26/2013 3:19 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Magical Girl
Really good color difference in certain areas, makes him over all more 3D-ish. If you had just made him all just one color instead of shading it I would think of this as an ok piece, but you really nailed the colors :) Favorite, Diamond, and sub
05/26/2013 3:23 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
Hey thanks, man! :D
xX Xi Xx
03/17/2013 9:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
I saw a s*** skin that was a fail of the Mark IV Spartan Armor, and it was s***! The guy said he worked on it for three hours, it's either he spaced out those three hours or he sucks at choosing color pallets. This, this is f***ing good though! +diamond, wish i could sub twice
