The Chaos Window Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

The Chaos Window

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KnobleKnives's Avatar KnobleKnives
Retired Moderator
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
Bronmyr and his young apprentice, Wyn, stood solemnly on the wall, observing the distant storm clouds that laid teeming on the horizon. They both knew the raiders were coming. No one had ever hindered the Bells of Sariel 10. They could hear, singing bittersweet in the sky, the death knell of the golden ships that were approaching.
Bronmyr looked down at Wyn, and placed a small silver medallion in the boy's hand. "Stare into the eye of the storm and make it yours, boy", muttered Bronmyr, "see through the Chaos Window."


Life has a way of being absolutely hectic, eh?

Hiya, KnobleKnives here. Back atchya with a skin I made months ago and forgot to post, wowee.

So, real talk here.

I've been part of this site for a very, very long time. If I remember correctly, I was following it since the ripe old age of 13. It's been a constant part of my life. I worshipped the old skinning titans back in the day, like Halucid, Sneeze7, and Leostereo. Watched the Angel Block Society begin and cycles of new and old members come and go. Now here I am, 20 years old, soon to be 21. A lot of friends I made on here, I'm still talking to regularly, and I'm so happy to have that.

Planet Minecraft has done a lot for me and spurred my passions for color and art, and without it, I'd be a whole other person for sure.

And so, it makes me so so happy to see what looks like a resurgence of skinning creativity on this site. Members like the enigmatic and awesome Aspirin60, who blends all the whackiness of people like Kefka's work with a whole new spin. Cool new contests, and even featured community contests. People like DinowCookie (holy crap, talk about a blast from the past), who are engaging the skinning community to think further outside the box with those contests and ideas. It's so rad.

So now for my own life, time for the Personal Life Segment!!
Life is moving forward in a way I never would've seen coming in a million years. As of July 12th, 8:40 PM EST, I am engaged to the love of my life and partner in crime, who happens to live all the way in France. Yesterday marked the end of a long, two-month stay in which adventures were had and a bunch of huge leaps forward were made. The first of which was the engagement, the second is my upcoming 12-month au pair with a family in Germany, so that's crazy! As painful as it is to be apart from my fianceé, I'll be across the ocean soon enough (same time zone as her, thank god). And working on my very rusty Deutsche. Ich musse mehr lernen!

Keep on being awesome, guys. I'll still be around to see all the awesome skins and stuff that goes on here, and hopefully, the site keeps on kicking for a lil while. I like it, lots of good peeps.

I didn't include a palette with this one, sadly. Buuuut, you can just use the skin as one anyway, eh?

Here's that good ol' preview:

The Chaos Window Minecraft Skin

The Chaos Window Minecraft Skin

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06/23/2019 3:19 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Skinner
iMac999's Avatar
Sometimes I check up on this site and I can't believe you're still uploading AND you're only a year older than me?! When I started in 2012 I always thought you were like way older than me by like 5-10 years... quite the surprise to me.
06/28/2019 12:31 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
KnobleKnives's Avatar
Heh, sometimes the urge to go back to an old passion comes in full force. This site means a lot to me.
03/25/2019 4:16 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Batman
taterman88's Avatar
69th diamond ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
08/22/2018 8:33 pm
They/Them • Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
BIO's Avatar
oonf dad :biolikesthis:
08/23/2018 1:58 am
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
KnobleKnives's Avatar
08/22/2018 6:05 pm
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Wow...I usually have anytime a replica in my pocket, but i'm without voice...((c; <33333+good luck!!!)
03/25/2019 4:16 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Batman
taterman88's Avatar
Youre crazy
03/25/2019 6:52 pm
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
08/22/2018 4:58 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Nerd
Noobator's Avatar
You can't just prey on my kinks like that yo, what a hot and sexy skin
08/22/2018 12:32 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur Cookie
DinowCookie's Avatar
Heh, how very relatable! I'm so happy to read that you feel like there's "a resurgence of skinning creativity on this site". Nice to see you posting a new (sort of..) skin!

Also, congratulations on your recent engagement! :D We're all getting older hm? ;P
