Published Jul 16th, 2018, 7/16/18 6:11 pm
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Morgoth, the greatest of the Maiar, and born before the Music of the Ainur. This depiction includes his crown with the three Silmarils in the center, as a symbol of his victory over the elves.
For more info why not check out his history at the Tolkien Gateway
For more info why not check out his history at the Tolkien Gateway
Gender | Male |
Format | Java |
Model | Steve |
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the Maiar and Umaiar(lower maiar) was a lower Race from the Race of Valinor.
The Valar and Maiar comes form Arda.
She come to Valinor and create and form the Rest of the World. The Valar like Morgoth was a god like Elve Race and the Maiar lower Elves. Ungoliant and Sauron was Maiar. and the Balrogs was Umaiar(lower Maiar) Morgoth get the Umaiar to his site and Form she into the Balrog (Flames
The World like Middle Earth and the Rest was formed by the Valar. Also important is your Skin like "as a Symbol of his victory over the elves"
is fantasy. Because Morgoth do not win the War he get banned in the Void from Fingolfin.
Numenor the Land of the Dunedain was formed by the good Valar as a Gift for the Help in the Battle vs Morgoth.